Freelance ON the Block Chain

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Now lets talk about the Project Blocklancer. This coin is a ERC20 Coin that seems to be one of the coins that are going to make a major impact in the Crypto market this year. Now there is a few reasons why I say that, which is the fact that Blocklancer is penetrating a market where there is plenty of demand, but not enough platforms to meet those demands. The fact that there are still website companies or graphic designers that are able to sustain there business shows that the already 1.7 trillion dollar freelancing industry still has a lot of room for improvement. If you follow me, you will notice that some years back, give it about 10 years ago, if you were looking for a website for you new business, the first thing you will do is go online and look for website design companies. Then when you finally get the chance to find one that you like, requesting a quote is one of the most heart throbbing moments because of all the rumors you've heard about the price of getting a website and the ridiculous quotes that people are use to getting.

Now we have sites like Freelancer and Fiverr and many more that can get you the same quality website that you use to pay over 10 grand for 10 years ago for as low as $250. I mean, it makes sense why this fairly new industry is already up to 1.7 trillion dollar, with only a few major platforms.

With that being said, blocklancer is being positioned as the main blockchain platform for a deregulated freelance industry that will not only make it easier for freelancing, but for the operational side of freelancing that people are sick and tired off. Such as the High fee's, people cancelling orders after you already invested your time into the work and smoother transactions. with those issues being taken care of by Blocklancer I can see a huggeee penetration in this already 1.7 trillion dollar industry, even to the point where i'll say that it will increase the value of the freelance industry by a tremendous amount. I am an investor in Blocklancer and is willing to go on the ride with this promising new way of the freelance world. Now do not mistaken my words for financial advice, but my own opinion backed by my own research. So if i was to vote block lancer on a success scale of 1-10 I will definitely give it a perfect 10.

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