Blocklancer - Freelance on the blockchain


revolutionizing freelancing industry for both the freelancer and the customer .

Freelancing is one of the fastest growing markets in the world1 with the Freelance workforce being comprised of 55 million workers; comparing this number to the 30 million freelancers only 10 years ago, we can see a substantial growth in the freelancing workforce with almost double the amount of workers today. Freelancers currently represent approximately 35% of the U. S. workforce.

What is Blocklancer ?

Blocklancer is a Distributed Autonomous Job Marketplace (DAJ) on the Ether:um Blockchain where our vision of a completely self-regulatory platform for finding jobs and getting projects done efficiently and fairly will exist Blocklancer is ch.nging the way freelancing works for both the freelancer and customers, focused on creating a more trustworthy platform all stakeholders can rely on.

Blocklancer Token :

:: Benefits for Holders ::

A holder of the Lancer Token benefits from the Blocklancer platform in two ways.

  • If you hold more than 10,000 Lancer Token you get access to premium features on the Blocklancer platform. After holding more than 10,000 Lancer Tokens for a period of at least 1 month your account will be automatically upgraded to a premium account.
  • If you hold Lancer Tokens, you are allowed to participate in the Tokenholder Tribunal.
    For participating in the Tokenholder Tribunal in an honest and informed way you will be rewarded by a share of the platform fees.
    The benefits of the premium account and the participation in the Tokenholder Tribunal will be delineated in the following sections.

:: Using Platform ::

:: TokenHolder Tribunal ::

Every Tokenholder, who holds Lancer Tokens longer than 1 month, is allowed to participate in the Tokenholder Tribunal. After the ICO, everyone who participated in the pre-sale or ICO is able to participate in the Tokenholder Tribunal.
If you transfer the Lancer Tokens to another account the account will not be able to participate in the Tokenholder Tribunal for 1 month. This way the system cannot be exploited by transferring Lancer Tokens between multiple accounts. The share of the fees, the Tokenholder will get after a cycle (~2 months) depends on the number of Tokens he holds and predominantly on his activity in the Tokenholder Tribunal. This means that the Tokenholders
are rewarded for their efforts in the Tokenholder Tribunal. In contrast to this, passive Tokenholders will not get any shares from distributed by our platform.

:: Core Architecture ::
Blocklancer is composed of three main components:
1.) Ethereum: Ethereum is the backbone of Blocklancer. The smart contracts are implemented for Ethereum in the Solidity programming language. Ethereum is needed as the distributed ledger of Blocklancer, allowing the community to verify transactions within the ecosystem.
2.) InterPlanetary File System IPFS: IPFS allows distributed storage of files. Because it is too
costly to store all the data in the Ethereum Blockchain, the main part of the data is stored in IPFS.
3.) Database: Because we want to grant a great user experience, querying for job offers must be extremely fast. A main problem with the Blockchain technology is that querying the data is far too slow and expensive. Therefore, it is needed to somehow save the data in a database that is query-able. A portion of the funds raised through the Blocklancer ICO will be used to develop or collaborate with other projects already developing this solution.
Currently Blocklancer has a cooperation in this area with the Ties Network. The partnership creates major synergies with the decentralized autonomous business model Blocklancer is built on and ultimately allows for greater scalability.

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