Capital Technologies and Research

Project Introduction

Communication can be described simply as the exchange of information between two or more entities. This can be done through speech, writing, diagrams, use of signs or using some other medium.

Mankind's history of communication dates back centuries from the times of the origination of speech to the invention of rock paintings all in the bid to improve the value of information exchange. The methods of communication have constantly been evolving over the years with mankind constantly inventing new methods, in order to provide more effective means of dissemination and presentation of ideas. This constant improvement has brought about the invention of telecommunications which involves the transmission of information over distances.


According to Wikipedia, "telecommunication can be described as the transmission of information in the form of signals, messages, audio, and video over distances either by wire, radio, optical or electromagnetic systems". Telecommunications is a reality of our everyday lives as it involves our daily activities like communicating with other people, engaging news, entertainment and other online or offline actions.

The telecommunication industry is a very large one, it is one of the largest industries in the world with a total value grossing trillions of US dollars with several centralized big players in the hardware, software and network sectors.

In this article I will be introducing a decentralized project that aims to disrupt the telecommunications industry using the Blockchain technology and thus providing more economical and efficient service to the users. This project is called CAPITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND RESEARCH.

Capital Technologies And Research

Capital Technologies and Research is a decentralized project that aims to revolutionize the telecommunications industry by ushering in a new era of Blockchain-based communication, specifically in the aspects of private voice calling and messaging. Making it more secure and incentivizing the users.

The Blockchain technology since its invention has revolutionized a lot of industries from finance, to other niche related businesses,  with smart contracts taking center stage and replacing centralized middlemen with a supreme level of efficiency and placing the power in the hands of the community rather than a centralized few. 

Pain Point

Private voice calls and messaging is an important aspect of our daily lives as humans and the existing technology is neither secure nor private enough for the average consumer. There are other existing problems like;

1. Fraud (Identity and Roaming)

2. Identity Management

3. Security of data transmitted by IOT

4. Users pay high fees for using private call and messaging services

This information about the problems that Capital Technologies and Research aims to solve was sourced from the project's Whitepaper, kindly read to learn more.

The Innovative Solution

Solution To Fraud and Identity Management: With the use of the blockchain, capital research and technologies is capable of bringing a high level of identity verification and validation process which will connect users profiles to their devices which will curb roaming and identity frauds and thus solving a multi-billion dollars problem. The platform will also adopt a system in which there is a master identity key for which users their identity across different platforms and services through a single identity key.

Solution To IOT Security: The Blockchain's security encryption, verification, and validation will be used in ensuring the security of data being transmitted between IoT sensors, devices, and machines. This will prevent data leaks, hacks and disruption of information exchange by unauthorized devices.

Solution To High Cost Of Network Services: Capital Technologies and Research will introduce a new economic model the will incentivize the Users, reducing the monthly fees they currently pay by using digital advertising to replace the revenue generated from this monthly payment.

A decentralized E-commerce Ecosystem

The Capital Technologies and Research project go beyond merely creating a platform that Incentivizes its users. The project goes further to create a decentralized ecosystem that eliminates the need and use of centralized middlemen who's aim above all, is to maximize profit at the expense of the users.

Through decentralization the power has been giving back to the users and the community made user-friendly with amazing features to make it usable for everyone with ease upon any device. The Open Enterprise API has made this a possibility of providing a much-needed flexibility for a decentralized platform like this without compromising scalability and security.

More information is available in the official whitepaper.

Some of the added benefits of this platform Include:

  • Peer to peer transactions in a decentralized system
  • High security and privacy
  • Encrypted Wallets
  • Measures to protect against the inflation of its token, and so many more.

ICO details

The ICO of this project is currently live with the platforms designated tokens currently on sale for early adopters and believers of the project. The pricing for the tokens varies at different stages based on the bonus available at each stage. There are two designated tokens for this platform which are Capital and Capital Gas tokens.

Ticker: CALL & CALLG

Available For Token Sale: CALL - 52,500,000 CALLG - 10,500,000,000

Price: $0.35 - $1

More information about the tokens and their functions can be found in the whitepaper and also by asking questions on the official telegram group.



This, in my opinion, is a great platform, a real innovation and a project that will impact directly billions of lives all over the world. The technological concept is awesome as well. The blockchain has passed several tests of its usability and application to real-life problems and I have no reason to believe this project will be an exception. Additionally, the Proof Of Work network test has been slated for the 29th of September, so it will be amazing to see how the platform performs. Overall, this is a good project.

Official Contacts



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