Blockchain technology in gun control and safety

The first successful application of the blockchain technology was Bitcoin. Blockchain technology is a distributed, decentralized ledger that does not require a financial intermediary, such as a bank.

According to Gun Violence Archive, since the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, there have been 239 school shootings in the U.S.. Despite covering only 4.4% of the world’s population, U.S accounts for 31% of mass shooters. These figures suggest that America has a gun problem, but blockchain technology might have a solution.

More attention should be paid to control who can buy and access guns. The control can restrict shootings and will lead to fewer tragedies. Thomas Heston, a professor at the Washington State University published a paper suggesting that blockchain technology can actually improve gun control without any change in the existing regulations i.e the govt. won’t have to play a part in the process.

Let us take you on a brief journey about Heston’s paper and how blockchain technology can help improve gun control.

Heston proposes that blockchain technology would track the manufacturer, transfer, and purchase of guns. Also, the database would be reliable, concise and free from tampering.

Blockchain technology would help regulators control the issuance of guns. Before selling, purchasers would go through a background check. The seller and the licensed dealer would approve each sale before it happens.

Heston suggested that each gun owner would have “an electronic gun safe”. This might sound like a physical safe, but it’s actually a digital one similar to a cryptocurrency wallet. Information in the safe is very secure because it would be accessible only through the owner’s retina scan, fingerprint or any other biometric data.

The safes would include information about all the guns individual owns, identified through microstamping or ballistic fingerprinting. The information would be shared with the next owner after the gun is sold. The condition is that the purchaser would have to pass the background check.

The safe would also have information about the individuals themselves, such as any history of mental illness, illegal activities or parole status.

What are the drawbacks?

Heston’s system might sound reliable but it is extremely difficult to implement. The idea needs a widespread acceptance. The platform has to go out on a large scale and this could cost a lot of money.

Another issue is the circulation of guns that already exist. It is highly unlikely that the United States would reach a consensus about implementing the technology.

Even though blockchain technology is becoming immensely popular, it is still in a developing state. So, the newness of the blockchain technology could pose a threat.


We are not anywhere near implementing this technology in gun regulation. Recently, Arizona lawmakers even passed a bill about banning the use of blockchain technology to track firearms. With these event, the development of blockchain technology is hindered.

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