UJ Limerick Poems #2


Alternative Dentist

A patient told the dentist, “To tell the truth,
I don’t like gas or needles, not since my youth”.
That’s when the dentist said,
“Here’s some Viagra instead,
To have something to hold when I pull that tooth.”

Standing in the Rain

Standing in the light rain, feeling the breeze.
Something that always makes me feel at ease.
I lick the rain from my face.
I love living in this place.
Until I saw you peeing down on me.

Man from Texas

There was a wonderful man from Texas.
Who married a woman who was jealous.
He did not mess around.
For fear that he'd be found.
Then the great Texas man would be ball less.

Rich Man

The rich man was happy, bursting with gleam.
Hoping that it wasn't all just a dream.
He heard the alarm buzz.
Then he knew that it was.
That's when the neighbors reported a scream.

Better Place

There was a world that used to be great.
People and prices were all first rate.
When the changes came.
Things were not the same.
That place was Earth nineteen seventy-eight.

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