Meet Our Blockchain Guardians - skylinebuds

On the Smoke blockchain, witnesses serve a role of validating signatures and timestamping transactions by including them in blocks. A block is any group of transactions (posts, votes, transfers, etc) which update the state of the database. Each time a witness produces a block, they are paid for their service. If a witness fails to produce a block, then they are not paid, and may even be voted out.

Witnesses are generally expected to manage a reliable block producing node, implement a failover system, maintain a public seed node, tune blockchain operating parameters, but since Smoke is a infant blockchain most of the above mentioned are not rarely implemented yet.

As a Smoke user who wants to see this platform continue to grow and flourish, we all have 30 votes to cast for any Smoke witness of our choice and I will say this is the most important 30 votes you will ever cast on this platform.

Lets call them Blockchain Guardians or a slight used term block producers.

Meet our Blockchain Guardians is a series put in place to know more about our very own witnesses, there roles and obligations. We need them as much as they needs us. Our witness are the leaders on the platform and thus it is our paramount importance that we due our due diligence before casting our votes.

Today I had the opportunity to interview a person that helped me out from the start of my Smoke journey and I am very grateful for this person.

Join me as I welcome @skylinebuds to, Meet Our Blockchain Guardians.

What brought you to Smoke?

  • The thing that brought me to smoke was the fact we as a whole cannabis community have no place to call home with out the chance or likely hood of being banned. The fact that I saw so many useless project last year that had no need in the space or clearly just money grabs then you got smoke a real use case and they where doing some good things with such a small amount money and a small team. Now we got a live blockchian running great.

What got you interested in becoming a Witness?

  • The thing that got me so interested in being a witness is the fact I would be doing the biggest part in making smoke truly decentralized. Another thing that made me wanna be a witness is they get to have so much interaction with the community. Now I can not say I will ever be able to do as much as some the other witness on smoke but I will do my best to always promote smoke and be as big part as I can to the team and other witness as well.

What have you developed for Smoke?

  • I am not a developer I have never coded it is something I am slowly learning and I am just glad we have so many great people to help me learn a long the way. Maybe one day I can help develop something for some but for now I can’t say I will be.

Being a witness takes a lot of time and energy, how do you keep a balance between this and other commitments?

  • This one is hard that is for sure. Just the other day I had to drop everything and get my witness up and running as It was hit with a ddos attack. But I am is do able this as my wife is very supportive and so far It has not got in the way of anything. Maybe as the network grows then this might be easier to answer I guess but for now I can’t say. Even if my witness was taken offline and not able to go back up I would be promoting smoke for the same reasons.

Where do you see Smoke in 5 years?

  • Where I hope to see smoke in 5 years is one of the biggest go to place for cannabis related information from growlogs and tips to nugshot and a place for dispensary to have their menu up and reviews of all the thousands of strains we have and trust me way way more strains are on the way with legalization going on all over the world over the next few years.

When you are not in front of your computer helping the Smoke community, what other hobbies do you have?

  • Well first hobbie would have to be cannabis I love everything about it and I am now have grown my second summer. Well lets see in 2 or 3 weeks when the plants are done. The other hobbies I have are going for bike rides. I love go for a bike ride with the family to the park or trails what ever place we end up. I also enjoy the odd video game I use to be a huge gamer back 3 years ago but have slowly stopped and now I maybe play 5 hours a week. The other hobbies I have would be learning about cryptocurrency and blockchian I would really like to learn to code one day and maybe I can learn with my son he want’s to learn to program a game.

If you could only vote for one witness (not yourself) who would it be and why?

  • Wow this one is a very hard one quite a few I still do not know very well some I have never even talked to but I think if I had one vote and I had to vote for a witness it would be powerpics I think he has helped everyone out from everything I can see. He is one the witness I know and have talked to him about keeping smoke within the core idea of a cannabis hemp culture blockchain. If you could have one super power, what would it be? Well that one is quite easy I it would be super speed like the flash man you know how much I could get done in my day with speed’ like that.
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer a couple questions for our community. 🤝🏻

As Smoke users we need to do everything in our power to choose Block Guardians that will represent the community well. Before voting make sure you do some research on the people you are voting for and be informed. Head over to and click on some of the witnesses names, get to know them a bit better and do your part to make sure this community thrives.

Now that you have read something about @skylinebuds, It will be good and kind of you to show them some love by going to the witness page, search the box and type @skylinebuds to cast your vote for them as your Block Producer.

Please catch our next Meet Our Blockchain Guardians soon. Take Care.

Thank you for reading, I @chronocrypto one of your top Witnesses thank you for your time.


SmokeD - Smoke Data Explorer is also running nice and smoothly

SmokeD has everything you need in regards to Smoke blockchain.
In case you haven't read my Witness Application/Intro
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✅ Every Single Vote Counts!

Please take a minute to jump over to the Block Producer / Witness page and cast your votes. Simply click on the (^) up arrow next to my username "chronocrypto" and supply your private account or active key to lock in your vote.

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