I made a Bob on Blockchain Cuties

Hi guys,
I have been playing a bit more of Blockchain Cuties and I finally achieved the goal I set out to achieve early on in my time playing the game.

I made a Bob.
bob snip.PNG

Bob is a tribute cutie that could be created by breeding cuties to get the right mix of genes. This is not the first Bob in the game. When I first started I didn't think Bob was found yet as the wiki page I was reading about him wasn't updated... but by the point I found out he had already been "found" (someone had bred one already) I was far enough into it that I decided to keep trying as while it's not as cool as breeding the first one, I'd still like a Bob, and now I have one.

Being a tribute cutie, Bob gets a bonus to their cutie power bonus. This bonus gets applied to dice rolls when adventuring and raiding and the bonus is made up of the cutie's level +1 if they are a tribute and +1 if they are unique. Bob is level 1 currently but has a power of 2 due to the +1 from being a tribute cutie.

Bob's cutie power bonus.png

You can see Bob's attributes below:
bob's attributes.PNG

The gold one is his attribute that comes from being Bob (as the name suggests) and it gives a +3% to his luck, which is the chance to reroll a die, as well as a +3 to the air element, one of the five elements that come into play on Blockchain Cuties.

Two of his other attributes, amber and johny (which don't come from being Bob but are just traits he has), give +1 to the fire element & -1 to the earth element and -1 to the fire element and +1 to the water element, respectively. A lot of attributes are like this where it improves one but takes away from another. This is one difference between the Bob attribute and these two - the Bob attribute just added good things and didn't take away from another.

However, Bob also has felis. Felis gives a +4% to luck with no negative effects, which gives him a total of 7% luck while naked (ie items can change this). Not all attributes have both pros and cons, and some are quite good. The tribute ones just tend to be better again.

Tribute cuties also get the effects of items equipped on them (such as increases to attack, increased drop rate etc) but don't change visually to show they are wearing a hat etc.

You can check out my Bob here: https://blockchaincuties.com/pet/112067

How did I make Bob?
Bob was the result of a lot of breeding. To breed tribute cuties like Bob you look for the same traits in other cuties and breed cuties together to hopefully get the combination that makes a particular tribute.

This can be done visually by looking at what the tributes and breeding ones with the same looks, but this one also had the genes needed laid out on the wiki so it was a case of finding that combination of genes. Based on my experience doing this and how many babies it took to get to this point (you also can't breed cutie relatives together either which makes it harder than if you could but I'm not too sure where the line of "relative" is drawn in this game), I think when this information isn't available to you, you'd still want to work out what the gene is based on the visuals and genome of cuties that have the same look because it is easier to keep track of in genome form.

I have an excel file with my cuties in it and their genomes and desirable traits. It has three pages, which include one for my pets, one for other people's pets I may consider buying or breeding with and one for pets I have sold or given away. All of the pages start with columns for the name of the cutie, its URL, the desirable traits of the cutie and its genome.

snip of excel file.PNG

Following that is a breakdown of the genome, going over the dominant, recessive 1 and recessive 2 genes. This process is less necessary with the blockchain cuties dark cuties mod installed as that colour codes the genome on the website and also makes it so putting the mouse over part of the genome tells you which part it is, but keeping it in excel still makes it easier to track. The image below is an example of the dominant genes setup and the dominant genes of an individual cutie. The same is repeated again for recessive 1 and recessive 2.

dominant genes example.PNG

The yellow in this case was highlighted genes that match Bob's genes that this cutie in particular had.

Bob's genetics

This is Bob.

bob snip.PNG

This is one of Bob's Parents, Cutie 110084.

cutie 110084.PNG

This is Bob's other parent, Cutie 111473.

cutie 111473.PNG

Both of Bob's parents had 5 of the 6 attributes needed to make a Bob and combining them made Bob.

This is one of Bob's Grandparents, Cutie 108018. Cutie 108018 is on Cutie 110084's side of the family.

cutie 108018.PNG

The other grandparent on Cutie 110084's side of the family is Cutie 109951.

cutie 109951.PNG

The first grandparent on Cutie 111473's side is Cutie 110077.

cutie 110077.PNG

The other grandparent on Cutie 111473's side is Cutie 108569.

cutie 108569'.PNG

Bob's great grandparents include:
Cutie 108267 (110084's side of the family)

cutie 108267.PNG

Cutie 105860 (110084's side of the family)

cutie 105860.PNG

Elvis Purrsley (110084's side of the family) - Elvis is also one you might recognise from my previous posts. I also bought Elvis from another player so Elvis is one of the starting points for my own breeding that lead to Bob.

elvis purrsley.PNG

Adultman (110084's side of the family)


This is where the pattern changes a bit.

One set of great grandparents on the other side (111473's side) is the same as on 110084's side of the family. While I've analysed who to breed with whom, this is the first time I've gone back and analysed the whole process. Apparently great grandparents is removed enough to allow inbreeding, but I guess not before then. I'll have to pay attention to see if grandparents can be the same on two sides, but apparently grandparents can.
Cutie 108569, one of the grandparents on Cutie 111473's side, has Elvis Purrsley and Adultman for parents.

Cutie 110077 also has a parent that is present on the other side of the tree as a great grandparent of Bob.

Cutie 110077's parent are Cutie 105860 (who we saw before as well)
cutie 105860.PNG

and Cutie 109923 (whom we haven't seen yet in the tree of genetics)

cutie 109923.PNG

This is the family going up to great grandparents.

bob family tree.png

This is only the family that directly contributed genetic information to Bob though, as there are siblings throughout all of this too, that didn't ultimately lead to Bob as it took a lot of attempts to get what I wanted out of the breeding.

I have looked back further than the great grandparents and it looks like the "can't breed with relatives" aspect is even less strict again than I thought as I looked at Adultman's parents.

Adultman's parents are Raid Ready:

raid ready.PNG

And Blue Lightning:

blue lightning.PNG

Both of these cuties have been in my previous posts. Fair enough, they haven't shown up in the family tree yet, all looks pretty good. That is... until you look at Blue Lightning's parents.

Blue Lightning's parents are Meowler:


And..... Wait for it..... Elvis Purrsley.

elvis purrsley.PNG

But if you look at the family tree, Elvis Purrsley has had babies with Adultman, meaning Elvis Purrsley has had babies with their grandchild.

I'm glad this is possible as achieving making a Bob took a long time even with the ability to do this, but I honestly expected the rule of "breeding between cutie relatives is not allowed" to be a little stricter than grandparent and grandchild being able to have babies together. It being stricter would make the difficulty harder, so I'm not complaining since that would have made making Bob harder, but it is still more lenient than I expected.

So that's Bob's genetic contributors up to the great grandparents (with a little found out about the great great grandparents and great great great grandparents).
Bob has some other family too, in the form of siblings, aunts and uncles and the like, as well as Bob's own kid (the only one so far), Cutie 112203.

cutie 112203.PNG

The rest of the game

So that's Bob, but more has been happening in the game.

It's currently the second part of the Halloween event. The Halloween event started with milestones we had to complete to unlock stuff for this part of the Halloween event. The milestones were based on the raids, adventures and breeding and were stuff like "this many adventures in windy hills" or "this many babies born". The milestones were as a whole community and we reached most of them.
You can see the milestones and our achievement of them here: https://blockchaincuties.com/quest

The second part of the Halloween event involves getting the things we unlocked. We unlocked certain items to drop in a new temporary adventure called Shadowland Cemetery, which you can see here: https://blockchaincuties.com/adventure/ZdYPj2XMTcd

Various items can be found which include ones we unlocked during the first part of the event. Cuties can also find bones while adventuring and the bones can be used for crafting Halloween items such as equipment.

I have got some of the Halloween gear through the adventures so far. Here you can see New Pig (3F) with some of it. The claws and loot bag are part of a set and I also need to get a mask to go with it to complete the set, which will give me set bonuses. The necklace is not part of the set but the set doesn't include a body piece so the necklace doesn't affect the set at all and just adds to the bonuses for New Pig (3F).

new pig halloween.PNG

There is also a new raid boss, Mor-Rioghain - Great Queen of Crows, for the Halloween event.

Raids are another thing that is a bit newer to my gameplay. I did have Raid Ready when I wrote about my cuties before but while Raid Ready met the requirements for raids (gen 0 - 2 and level 5 +) Raid Ready didn't tend to win the raids very often, which I think was due to the equipment Raid Ready had. Since then I have levelled up Meowler to a level where Meowler can raid and also levelled up New Pig (3F) to where New Pig (3F) can raid. I have also improved the equipment of all three of them. Meowler's change was subtle with simply the addition of a teddy bear, but they all did gain improvements to their equipment.

I still do not win raids consistently with my cuties but I have actually won with the cuties now a few times. This is nice because earlier Raid Ready would only lose (and was the only one who could participate) and I held off on it so that I didn't contribute to reducing the reward pool for others if we lost too many fights against the boss. Having more cuties ready to raid means I can play to the boss' strengths and weaknesses more too.

That's really the majority of any news on the game since I last wrote. I made a Bob, my cuties have won some raids, and Halloween stuff is going on and giving us some good loot.

As for where I will go with it from here, I undoubtedly have some babies I could sell that were part of the process of trying to make Bob, but I'm not completely sure who yet, and I also want to keep them around for now to send on Halloween adventures.
Breeding Bob and making Bob children both for myself and to sell will be interesting too.

I have had ideas for trying to make a different tribute too so that will likely be in the future, but I'm not sure when I'll start trying hard at that goal.

Thank you for reading my post, checking out my Bob and reading about what else has been going on in the game. I really enjoyed making Bob and it was exciting to see that I finally did it when Bob's egg appeared. I've also been enjoying the more diverse gameplay as I've gotten involved in raiding and the Halloween event has been going on.

I definitely have not gained money on this game so far though, but we will see how that goes over time. Since I'm enjoying playing the actual game, I'm treating it as the equivalent of paying for stuff like cosmetics in games like Fortnite for now and considering any money earned back a bonus. If I start going into profit, then I may reconsider this stance, but I'm not going to stress the money spent on this at any rate. The only deposit I have made into this game was made before I finished at my most recent job and started working on my business full time and I've been using that same amount ever since. It's getting low now but I'm not concerned about the amount I put in there.

If you want to check out my cuties, you can find them on my profile here: https://blockchaincuties.com/player/78195240

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.


My Blockchain Cuties Profile: https://blockchaincuties.com/player/78195240

Bob: https://blockchaincuties.com/pet/112067

Teenagers, Children or Parents of Children, get a free copy of the base game for Unicorn Robot Party by completing this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DMZX8T7

Vote for my next ORTI character here: https://poll.ly/#/LBp54z3X

Birchmark Website / Portfolio: http://birchmark.com.au/

Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/birchmark?asc=u

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BirchmarkAu

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