Top Four Things People Don’t Know About The Current Renewable Energy Market


Can carbon emissions be reduced to zero soon? Will consumers be able to find the green energy that is more accessible? Can energy suppliers and individuals find the common ground needed to fight climate change, together? Find out answers to these questions and learn about the modern methods of today that can make the renewable energy industry reach new heights.

Research shows the consumers most profound concerns regarding this market

All across the world, people think that making the shift towards renewable energy (and relying solely on this types of services) is yet too expensive. At the same time, consumers believe that their role in tackling the significant causes and issues related to the climate change is much too small; how can individuals transform such a huge market? How can their behaviour or lifestyle influence the global carbon emissions?

Blockchain-based projects can bring a series of benefits to consumers, energy suppliers and the environment

Discover Zero Carbon Project - a revolutionary solution that aims to promote itself by offering these two primary answers: the capacity to reduce the people’s electricity costs and in the same time, the ability to switch to zero carbon emissions.

To fuel its complex ecosystem and keep its components in balance, the Zero Carbon Project team has designed and implemented an Energis cryptocurrency token that can repay the efforts of the individuals that make this choice: to switch to zero-carbon electricity.

Crypto Tokens can be used as a means to reward consumers and suppliers

According to Derek Myers, the CEO of Zero Carbon Project and Chairman of West London Climate Change Commision, the Energis token can turn into an accelerator of change. To reach the desired impact, this token will have clear uses for all involved components of the renewable energy market: consumers (individuals and businesses), companies that offer energy and the international carbon credits market. Moreover, this project will give better support to all these members so that the ultimate social objective can be reached - approaching climate change at a worldwide level.

Inside these ecosystems, Energis tokens can prove to be incredibly precious. First of all, electricity providers have to utilise these unique tokens to finance the transaction fees that are mandatory for participants in the Zero Carbon Project marketplace. Second of all, to create secure and transparent transactions (of Energis tokens), smart contracts will be implemented - these unique components of the Ethereum blockchain are going to monitor and coordinate the entire flow of Energis tokens.

Only a long-term strategy can change the outcome

Zero Carbon electricity should be the adopted at a global level - estimates show that after 15 years, results will be visible. The best way to facilitate this implementation at a such a large scale is through offering a cheaper electricity process. These diminished prices can only be enabled through a highly competitive marketplace and by using the international carbon credits to the maximum.

Find out more about this global issue and learn how the Zero Carbon Project operates by accessing

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