It's been a decade since Facebook came in our lives and took the internet by storm. In my opinion, some credit goes to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for the increase in internet users worldwide. It's so astonishing that how addicted we have become of these platforms as research shows that an average social media user spends more than 2 hours per day on the respective platform. Earlier social media used to be a place to connect with people, now it has evolved as a content providing industry.

Social Media platforms have also helped content creators monetize their content but the big players are the advertisers or these platforms that make the most of it. The content creators earn a very little amount in relation to the actual advertisement cost. There is also the issue of equality for content creators on YouTube and Facebook as newcomers don't get to monetize content easily and some big players also face algorithm's harshness by getting their content demonetized. There is no social platform that provides equal opportunity to the creators and the users to earn money from their content or contribution. Tipper the new ICO somewhat adheres to this issue.

How is this platform revolutionary?

The company claims that their platform will revolutionize social media earning and will break all boundaries of possible earnings from a single post. Instead of the usual like, react, views their platform will enable 'tipping'. The more you tip to others, the more chance you get to earn. The platform according to them works on 'four pillars', "tipping model", "content investing", "mometization", "tipper ad model". I found the 'content investing' part interesting as it will allow content creators to sell shares of their channel and the 'investors' who buy these shares will promote their channel. Their aim is to allow people to manage content as a commodity for monetization.

According to their whitepaper, every user can earn from their post whether it has a million views or just 10 views. Other users on the platform can 'tip' the content they like regardless of its reach and in turn, they will also unlock new ways of monetization for themselves. This system will also end click baiting and frauds for the advertisers as well. The mometization part is interesting as well it's basically an idea of generating revenue through viral content. The athlete/star or anyone on whom the moment is based on gets 10% of the total tips generated from that moment (consider Ronaldo scoring a goal). 30% will be returned to the users who tipped the moment, 40% will go to the tipper officials for bringing on more services to the platform and the remaining 20% will be redistribution to the users.

About the tokens

The tipper platform is said to provide a speed of 250,000 micropayment/s for large-scale video decentralization and a speed of 50,000 transaction/sec (way more than Bitcoin, Ethereum) for the tipping. Their platform will use 'TIPR' as the token and the total supply is set to 700 Million tokens and the hard-cap is 50 Million USD, the token sale will go on till 31st March 2018. Tokens can be bought using ETH and 1 ETH can get you 4000 TIPR, referrals can get you 5% of the total purchase. The company is offering only 30% of the total supply for sale while the major 60% is locked for miners and platform users. The token's mining will be available with the same hashing algorithm as that of bitcoin, this will allow users holding ASIC mining chips to utilize them for something fresh with vast potential.


According to me, the world needs more opportunities to earn and I think nothing would be better than people like us (average social media users) getting to earn by posting what we like. This platform is based on sharing and receiving back which I think is good for the platform to sustain as well. The idea that more you tip more you earn will indeed motivate users to tip others in order to earn for themselves and thus increase the use of their tokens as well. The circulation of tokens is designed in such a way that the demand of tokens will increase gradually with the platform gaining popularity. If you ask me, I would definitely like to create an account here just for the sakes of trying it out and see if I can earn something. Consider this idea to be widely spread with the right marketing strategy, even if for the beginning, the platform can gain huge popularity.

I think this is one of the best ICO's that I've come across in the past couple of months and I would suggest that you try it out with a little investment at first.

Website: https://www.tippereconomy.io/token/index.html
Whitepaper: https://www.tippereconomy.io/Documents/TIPPER_WHITEPAPER_DRAFT_1.pdf

Author: Yalsik
Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1943321

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