Kind Ads | A solution for Disrupting & Intrusive Ads

If you’re like most people and have spent any amount of time surfing the internet then you’ve likely been barraged with annoying and irrelevant ads at some point of time or another. I mean let’s be honest, when was the last time you’ve ever clicked on a pop-up ad and actually purchased something? Not only does this form of advertising take away from your user experience, because it’s annoying, but it’s also majorly ineffective for advertisers as well.

The Problem With Today’s Advertisements

See the problem with today’s advertising is that its majorly ineffective. Advertisers don’t have access to the right publishers they need in order to get their ads in front of the right audience. So they turn to third-party services, that act like middle-men, connecting advertisers with publishers looking to monetize their website by selling online ad-space.

The problem is that third-party companies such as Alphabet (Google) and Facebook, who own the majority of this space, sell the ads from advertisers to whatever publisher they chose. Rather than to the publisher with the best fit audience for a particular ad, all while charging high-fees for their services. This causes visitors to be bombarded with irrelevant ads, which is not only detrimental to the publisher but is also a waste for advertisers as well. It’s basically a lose-lose all the way around, except of course, if you’re the third-party company such as Google or Facebook.

The Benefits of Kind Ads

Kind Ads is a decentralized protocol on the Ethereum blockchain that’s mission is to build a better bridge between publishers, advertisers, users and app developers.

The business model of Kind Ads is that 85% of all ad dollars goes to the publishers and the remaining 15% is allocated by Kind Ads to their reward pool which benefits the users and app partners.

A core component of the Kind Ads Protocol is a blockchain-based scoring system (the “Kind Ads Score”) that ranks publishers using an algorithm that is based on historical campaign effectiveness and information provided by oracles such as Google Analytics. Advertisers will therefore be able to identify high-quality publishers by purchasing KIND tokens in order to access the publishers database to identify publishers with the best target audience for their ads.

Once publishers are sign up for the Kind Ads Ecosystem and verify their domain, they will be able to choose which app developers and advertisers they want to partner with since they approve the advertisements that are displayed to their visitors before any token transfer is done. In addition, since the Kind Ads Protocol effectively removes the need to use any third-party companies and does not charge any transaction fees, publishers can earn more for their quality publications and are paid out daily in KIND tokens.

Users also have the option to universally opt-in or out from all ads. When choosing to opt-in users can earn KIND tokens from the reward pool. Another great function is that users will be able to specify exactly how they want their data to be used.

In Conclusion


Kind Ads is trying to revolutionize the way advertisers, publishers, developers, and users interact with each other by offering a less intrusive form of advertising that is permission based. This will let companies reach their target audience and allow publishers to earn more by effectively removing third-party companies, all while respecting the user's decision to either opt-in and be rewarded for viewing ads or opt-out if they choose to do so.

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