VIZPLUS whitepaper


Necessary preliminary explanations

The VIZ Blockchain does not have a “team”, “creator”, “management system” and other attributes of a project, company or organization of any type. This means that it doesn’t have an ideology, basic principles, social rules, or even some “correct” understanding of why viz was created. This is a truly decentralized project.

Any owner of the account and tokens of the VIZ blockchain can have their own point of view on the goals and methods of using this blockchain and related tools. The only existing restriction is the blockchain code: everything that matches the code is valid.

Therefore, this document is a personal vision of its author, with which one can agree or not. This view is also the foundation of VIZPLUS.

What is a VIZ?

VIZ is a decentralized digital ecosystem of services built around social capital (see below) of its participants. The ecosystem includes the VIZ blockchain and solutions for end users (participants): sites, mobile and desktop applications, extensions for browsers, bots for social networks and instant messengers, etc.

Each VIZ participant has the right and opportunity to do anything in accordance with his share in the VIZ capital, as far as the blockchain and application code allows.

The word VIZ does not have a specific translation or abbreviation transcript; it comes from vision.

What is VIZPLUS?

VIZPLUS is a private non-profit project in the VIZ ecosystem, created by one of the participants for the development of the ecosystem. It includes a number of VIZ accounts, significant social capital, as well as a growing number of services and applications.

The idea of rewards and social capital

Within the framework of the VIZ ecosystem, participants can reward each other with the viz from the emission, and the amount of awards received and saved by the participant becomes “social capital” that determines its importance within the VIZ community.
Award is a key concept of an ecosystem. A reward is an analogue of “thank you” or “like,” that is, voluntary gratitude for the benefit or pleasure that one member of the ecosystem provided to another member.
Anyone can reward anyone for anything and for any number of viz within the capabilities of the rewarding account. Moreover, the “benefit” or “pleasure” is exclusively subjective and is determined only by the rewarding person.
In the VIZ blockchain, an award is not a predefined salary, but a voluntary reward after the fact, the amount of which depends on the desire and capabilities of the person who rewards. This makes the reward look like a tip or a donation. However, the key feature of the VIZ is that the award is not transferred from the account of the award to the account of the award, but is competitively distributed by the award from the ongoing emission of viz.
Each VIZ participant has the right and opportunity to distribute part of the emission in accordance with his share in the total social capital. The greater social capital of the participant, gives him the opportunity to distribute a large share of the emission encouraging other participants. You can increase social capital by purchasing viz in liquid form and converting it into a form of capital. Buying a viz benefits not only the buyer, but the entire community, as such transactions provide all participants of the VIZ with information on the value of social capital and provide a guideline for determining the worthy size of the viz rewards. The transfer of viz from social capital to liquid form reduces the participant’s capital, but allows him to “monetize” his previous merits.

Elements of the viz ecosystem

The VIZ ecosystem in its simplified form consists of the VIZ blockchain and applications that use the blockchain as a distributed, unchangeable storage of data about accounts and transactions.

VIZ blockchain and viz crypto asset

The VIZ blockchain belongs to the Graphene blockchain family, it is based on the Golos blockchain code (v.18), but has significant changes compared to it. The VIZ blockchain uses DPoS consensus. 21 delegates participate in the block signing cycle (in other DPoS blockchains they are called “validators”, “block producers”, etc.), 11 of them are top delegates and 10 are automatically selected according to a certain algorithm from all others. The consensus is the signing of the block by 17 delegates out of 21 in one cycle.
The VIZ blockchain uses one crypto asset - viz, which has two forms: the form of capital and the liquid form. The amount of viz in the capital determines the effect of the account on the distribution of emissions, voting for delegates, etc. Viz in social capital is “frozen” on the member’s account: they can be transferred to liquid form only in 28 days in equal portions once a day. Liquid viz are used to transfer between accounts. The transfer of viz from liquid form to capital is carried out instantly.
The crypto asset viz is not positioned as a cryptocurrency or cryptocoin, it is a unit of accounting for social capital. However, since viz has a certain market value, if desired, participants can use it to pay for goods and services, like any other crypto asset.
Viz emission occurs continuously. Its rate is defined in the blockchain code and can only be changed by consensus voting of delegates as part of updating the blockchain software. At the start, the emission rate was 10% per year and has not changed since then.
The viz emission is divided into three parts: the Awards Fund, the Development Fund (also called the Committee) and the Delegates Fund. Awards are paid from the Rewards Fund; The Development Fund is designed to reward participants for specific actions that are useful for ecosystem development; The Delegate Fund automatically rewards delegates for the maintenance of blockchain nodes (servers) and delegate activities. Emission shares in these parts are not determined by consensus, but based on the median values ​​of the parameters of delegate nodes.
There are no smart contracts in the VIZ blockchain; the entire logic of account interaction has been moved to the application level.

Applications of the VIS ecosystem

Applications serve to simplify the interaction of VIZ participants with the blockchain. The main task of applications is to transmit various scenarios in which participants reward each other on the blockchain in the form of a standard transaction. Applications are created by individual developers and teams, they are centralized (i.e. work outside the blockchain) and use the VIZ blockchain as a single distributed immutable database.
Examples of existing and possible applications:

  • telegram bot to reward chat discussion participants. The bot monitors chat messages and responds to certain commands. For example, the “+” sign at the beginning of a reply to a message means an order to reward the author of the original message;
  • a browser plugin that adds a reward button to some social networks, services, forums, etc. If the VIZ participant who installed this plugin clicks the button under the message from the user of the social network, that one will receive a rewards;
  • a mobile application that allows you to reward any person with a particular digital identifier (QR code, recognized face, NFC-tag of the phone, etc.);
  • buyer reward for completed purchases (VIZ-based loyalty system);
  • an online quest for progress in which the player receives VIZ rewards;
  • button “Reward a consultant” in the technical support system of users of any service;
  • a mobile application for voting in polls, for example, “The best player of a football match”, “Winner of a song contest”, etc.

VIZ ecosystem applications include various services such as online wallets for managing accounts and VIZ, software for signing transactions on the participant’s side without transferring keys to unsafe applications, etc.

Simplified VIZ Ecosystem structure

Users register VIZ accounts in the blockchain, and not in applications. This means that one account can be used by the user in any number of applications without additional registration. The application just translates the standard instructions of the user, "packing" them in one form or another in accordance with the scenario used by this application.
For example, the “reward” command can be used as gratitude for a useful or funny comment in Telegram chat, as a suggestion to “make friends” in a dating service, or as a vote for the best player in a football match.


1 - "wallet" is the simplest application : it shows the status of the user account and recent operations, transmit the signed user transactions to blockchain;
hub - it is an Internet application (game, social network, messenger, forum, store, etc.) to which the VIZ application connects. The hub provides information about user actions;
2 - “social” application: provides users interaction with each other according to a certain scenario (for example, helps to reward each other in telegram chats), connecting to external sources of information, and transmits signed user transactions to the blockchain;
3 - an application that users do not trust: it provides users interaction among themselves according to a certain scenario (for example, on a little-known online forum. So applications does not sign user transactions, but send to a trusted application where user signs them
4 - “technical” application that interacts with other applications, and not with users: provides a trusted environment in which users can sign transactions generated by other (untrusted) applications.


The community of VIZ members is organized in the form of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). There is no single “team”, “management”, “organization”, etc. in the VIZ. Each participant of the DAO acts independently, using its VIZ capital. It is assumed that the owners of capital in VIZ benefit from its value growing long-term, which means that, based on their selfish interest, they will contribute to the development of the entire ecosystem.

VIZ blockchain delegates

The only group of participants in the DAO VIZ that has more rights than others is the delegates of the VIZ blockchain. Delegates have nodes (servers with special software that validate blockchain blocks) that support the operation of the blockchain, make decisions on updating software, and set technical and economic parameters for the operation of the VIZ blockchain.
VIZ blockchain delegates are elected by continuous continuous voting on the basis of the Fair DPoS principle: the balance of the account that voted becomes the number of its votes and is divided equally among all the delegates for whom it voted.
Any member of viz can launch a blockchain node and declare himself a delegate, inviting other participants to vote for him. All delegates participate in the signing and broadcasting of the blocks, but 11 delegates who received the maximum number of votes do it all the time, and the rest with decreasing frequency (the lower the position of the delegate, the less often).

Opportunities for participants of the DAO VIZ

Each DAO participant can influence other participants in the following ways:

  • distribute part of the viz emission to other participants in the form of awards;
  • vote for delegates of the VIZ blockchain;
  • vote (positively or negatively) for proposals for remuneration from the Development Fund. If the proposal gains the minimum number of votes set by delegates, the applicant receives an award from the community.

Accordingly, each VIZ participant can be a recipient of an award, an applicant to the Development Fund or a delegate. In addition, participants can develop commercial and non-commercial applications and grow business within the community by developing the VIS ecosystem.
Unofficial slogans of the DAO VIZ:

Nobody owes anything to anyone


You need it - you do it (or pay to the one who does it)

Additional Viz Features

In addition to the reward system, the VIZ ecosystem at the blockchain code level has additional features that can be used by applications and participants for more effective interaction: receipts, subscriptions and trilateral deals.
A check is a pair of keys (public and private), the use of which gives the owner the right to receive a certain amount of liquid viz from the creator of the check. Checks can be used for non-directional transfer of viz’s (the analogue of “bearer check”). Also, using a check, you can register an account in the VIZ.
Multilevel paid subscription - a system of custom recurrent payments by liquid viz’s to the address of a specific account without an intermediary (via blockchain). It can be used for media subscriptions, regular charity contributions, remuneration, etc.
Escrow transaction - a method of transferring liquid viz’s between two accounts only with the consent of the third account (guarantor). The guarantor cannot pick up the transfer, he can transfer it to the recipient or return it to the sender.


Post-Labor Economics and VIZ

In pre-industrial and industrial economies, an ordinary person was forced to work hard and hard to satisfy his basic material needs - a roof over his head, food, clothes.Labor (in this case, it means paid work or actions necessary for survival) took up the vast majority of the time. The remaining time was occupied by sleep and usually passive rest. That is, labor was almost the only "activity" or, at least, overwhelmingly main.
In the post-industrial economy, the role of labor is limited, but still great. The appearance of free resources in a person - time, money and strength - has led to the emergence of a new type of activity - optional consumption. It includes both material consumption beyond what is necessary and intangible consumption: books, magazines, movies, popular music, watching sports, series, video games, tourism, entertainment on the Internet, entertaining socialization, political, environmental and other activism, etc. . In a developed society, this type of activity is no less important for a person and society than labor: a person can define himself first as a “fan of the football club Barcelona’ ”and“ anime lover ”and only then as“ a "officcer in an insurance company”.
In the upcoming post-labor economy, basic human needs are met through unconditional basic income and other incomes not directly related to labor activity (for example, selling personal data), as well as (if necessary) a certain amount of paid work. The role of labor will be reduced to a minimum, but consumption will not take its entire place in human life. Already now one can observe the appearance and development of the third type of activity, which at least partially replaces labor.

Third activity

A new type of activity in a post-labor society is a voluntary activity useful for others, not implying a mandatory and full payment on the part of recipients (the concept of "benefit" in this case is subjective and is determined only by its recipient).
Examples of such activities:

  • creating and editing Wikipedia articles;
  • non-profit blogging, twitter, instagram, channel, etc .;
  • participation in the fan movement;
  • participation in amateur theater;
  • answers to questions from users of various services;
  • participation in discussions on forums, etc .;
  • participation in sport competitions;
  • streaming a Walkthrough of a computer game;
  • commenting on publications in online media;
  • translation of subtitles for the series into another language;
  • creating an appearance that brings pleasure to others;
  • especially good service in the restaurant;
  • etc.

In the future, there will be new types of voluntary activities that benefit or enjoy other people. They will be associated mainly with intangible consumption, will serve it or be its source.

Instead of money

Voluntary useful activity usually deserves praise and gratitude, expressed in various kinds of “likes” or “thanks”. While this activity is a small and not very significant part of a person’s life, verbal or virtual reward is enough. But with the development of the “third activity” its economy will inevitably arise, intersecting with the economy of intangible consumption.
This economy cannot be based on money, since money is a tool for subjectively fair sharing of work results. In this case, there is no work: people bring benefit and pleasure for free, simply because they want to do it and want to receive approval from others in the form of gratitude.
The VIZ is trying to make the gratitude received useful in the long term, not reducing this process to payment or donation. Within the framework of the VIZ ecosystem, participants can reward each other with the viz crypto asset, and the amount of awards becomes a kind of universal “social capital” of the participant that determines its importance within the community.
The key difference between VIZ and classical donat services is that the reward is not removed from the balance of the one who rewards, but is distributed from the ongoing emission of the viz crypto asset.

VIZ Benefit

Each VIZ participant has the right and opportunity to distribute part of the emission in accordance with his share in the total number of viz. The higher the amount of awards a participant received earlier (that is, the higher his social capital), the greater the share of the emission he can distribute, rewarding other participants.
You can also increase social capital in a VIZ by purchasing a crypto asset viz. Buying a viz benefits not only the seller, but the entire community, as such deals create information about the value of social capital and provide a mark for determining the size of the rewards in viz.
The emission of the viz gradually “erodes” the funds of participants, so no one will be able to maintain influence in the community for a long time due to previous merits. VIZ economics encourages participants to constantly create value in order to maintain impact. In addition, the accumulation of social capital (a share in VIZ) above a certain level without external financial injections is impossible: inflation will “eat up” more than it brings awards. Therefore, the owners of high social capital to save it are forced to redeem viz from other participants, increasing the value of the entire ecosystem.
Thus, the VIZ ecosystem is used as a mediator in a community of people who bring each other benefits or enjoyment outside the employment relationship. Social capital plays the same role as money in the ordinary economy, but unlike money, it does not determine the relative value of services, but only additionally encourages people to do what they are willing to do for free - by increasing their social capital and recognition in society .

See also
How to use the Telegram viz_social_bot to reward and receive rewards
The extension for browsers Vizonator and awards in social networks on the example of YouTube

VIZ blockexplorer
Faq for VIZ (English)

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