Smart Valley

Smart Valley


Smart Valley is a decentralized valley of improvements that joins theorists, undertaking, and masters in a close system arrangement of master gathering, where all people are joined by the same purpose — to make impelled, high-potential advances.

The SMART Valley arrange group allows its individuals to raise holds, contract partners, find business assistants, and comprehend their ideas — no matter where they are on the planet.

Four key features of the stage empower the system group people to relate in the best way: an ensured plan segment, an authorities business focus, a raising help gadget, and — most importantly — a amazing decentralized scoring structure that utilizations ace suppositions, swarm insight, and numerical figurings to assess wanders.

Our wander will permit examiners worldwide to place assets into high-potential exercises safely and truly, while wander designers will have the ability to raise bolsters and create strong gatherings, outfitting masters and expert associations with entrancing assignments to tackle and stable business.

The system framework is being delivered as an Ethereum-based decentralized application.


Shape the ICO association into a champion among the most capable wander gadgets;

Make a motorized stage for honest to goodness gathering vows;

Progress great ICO expands and restrict the risk of traps and blackmail;

Relate key business players and progress successful correspondence between them. We attempt to join theorists and undertaking architects, coordinators and associates, new advancement and the mass market, clients and masters and future pioneers;

Make an easy to-use and engaging interface;

Empower the best exercises to pull in general wander and enter the market;

Raise the general level of data and ability among the prompt and meandering individuals from the DLT feature;

Set up a pool of future pioneers;

Make new occupations and addition bolster in creative front line parts.

For investors

The use of a unique automated scoring tool ensures that only the best projects are selected
Smart Valley project assessment solutions eliminate the risk of scams
Direct investment in projects allows to avoid broker fees
You can see how your money is spent and follow the increase in token value
Tokens can be easily sold at the in-built digital exchange
80% discounts on certain project tokens sold at the internal exchange.

For founders

Automated assessment by community experts gives a full picture of the project’s potential
Community experts can be hired to build a perfect team
Smart Valley assessment services can be paid for with project tokens
Expert consultations and services are provided on all stages of the project
Large number of potential investors are present on the platform
Disagreements are resolved using an automatic algorithm and an arbitration system

For experts

Possibility to work on high-potential projects that have passed a rigorous evaluation
Voting for best projects - the community decides which ones get selected
Global employment opportunities
Participation in cutting-edge projects that can change the business
Payment is guaranteed by a smart contract
All disagreements are resolved within the platform using
arbitration and a specially-designed algorithm
Vibrant community of top-level professionals from across the globe.


SVT token value: 1 SVT = $0.10 (10 pennies)
Least sum for an ICO member: $1;
Acknowledged cash: ETH, BTC;
Delicate Cap: $3 000;
Hard Cap: $30 000;

Gathering pledges period:

December 2017 — March 2018 (the ICO will start in March; the correct date will be reported later);
The gathering pledges process will proceed till the ICO is finished or the hard top is come to.


20% reward from December first until December 10, 2017
10% reward from December 11, 2017 until, the begin of the ICO;
0% reward amid the ICO.

The volume of discharge relies upon the sum raised on the ICO and the utilized states of the crowdsale (rewards and rebates)

For more information

Author TheJohnMatch


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