RATEONIUM-The Most Innovative Rating Platform

RATEONIUM-The Most Innovative Rating Platform

As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.

The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can't be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It's a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.

The Rateonium network was developed and created in the course of the most recent four years by specialists from different financial areas. Accordingly, many years of experience from the pharmaceutical, car, and products enterprises, among others, have been fused into the improvement procedure of the framework. In close coordination with worldwide players and distinctive purchaser bunches from all the "Sinus-Milieus", the necessities and wishes for the last two Rateonium framework parts have been built up and incorporated into the framework improvement. By utilizing blockchain innovation, Rateonium has achieved a critical point of reference in customer assurance.

Besides, Rateonium is an exceptionally exhaustive rankings framework that can be redone for each gathering of customers with the goal that buyers can impart better than anyone might have expected. It has a basic outline with an essential calculation that gives clients a chance to give surveys more applicable substance. An assortment of dialects ​​in blend with widespread accomplice organizations help guarantee that the Rateonium biological community will dependably be various and dynamic.

Rateonium gathers subjective and singular customer information for organizations, while the particular buyers are compensated at the same time with the Rateonium money through a robotized calculation. Rateonium offers its clients a cutting edge acquiring knowledge with an application fueled by metadata – free from control and information manhandle. They bolster the Rateonium business customers by executing present day, long haul quality and client relationship administration forms in the stage.

The goal is to reform suggestion advertising on a worldwide scale in a way that is feasible, reasonable, straightforward, and mysterious. Notwithstanding, a basic segment of the manner in which we comprehend ourselves is the way that Rateonium just works with the connection of clients. The framework can't be changed or manhandled utilizing budgetary assets.

Rateonium and Blockchain Technology
Different anonymization advances have been actualized, furnishing Rateonium clients with the most elevated amount of individual information protection. The extensive variety of universal clients is made conceivable by Rateonium's all around one of a kind prizes framework. Out of the blue, the financial estimation of qualified surveys is clarified to the purchaser because of circulation of digital currency in light of these audits. The Rateonium digital money as tokens can be traded at taking an interest organizations for client rewards. This shut framework gives collaboration accomplices a huge starting aggressive edge over their rivals when procuring new clients and for holding clients on a long haul premise.

Moreover, Rateonium makes a dependable and intelligent system amongst clients and organizations, made conceivable by ensured client namelessness. The methodical and streamlined plausibility of consistently getting rewards from organizations keeps clients' inborn inspiration to leave appraisals at a continually abnormal state. A far reaching client relations framework is empowered by the idea of shared advantages.

As innovation specialists and blockchain romantics, they see numerous important improvements in the realm of digital money with doubt. One of these advancements is that numerous organizations just coordinate a digital currency in their current business condition with a specific end goal to create new capital by means of an underlying coin advertising.

Customarily, this isn't completely vital for the execution of particular business thoughts. Rateonium, by differentiate, is a straightforwardly blockchain-based framework comprising of a prizes for-evaluations idea. In this way, it is vital for us to view the Rateonium tokens as a center piece of our business.

Indeed, even vast partnerships, who could some way or another debilitate their opposition by acquiring extensive amounts of Rateonium tokens, are totally denied of this open door by the membership framework. Be that as it may, they comprehend the interest of trading these creative monetary standards for different monetary standards, which is the reason they've made it conceivable to trade Rateonium for Ratec. This implies every member in the framework has the chance to produce tradeable digital money by composing audits. Based on this novel mix, all clients can utilize Rateonium the manner in which they favor.

About The Rateonium Card
The Rateonium card permits most extreme security of put away tokens. All capacities that change the status of client tokens (for instance: exchanges, trades to RTC or prize reclamation) must be confirmed with an individual QR code on the card.

All the client needs to do is open the application, enter the secret key and sweep the QR code. To guarantee that a rating is just given at the area where the administration is really felt, the client must confirm the buy before sending a survey. For this reason, the Rateonium card is just examined at the checkout. On account of online buys, the application can be utilized as a scanner.


Particular Features
•Spotlight on validness

A basic prerequisite for client input confirmation is acquired through the worked in RDT approval. The objective is to support common trust amongst customers and organizations.

•Worked in Encoding:

Rateonium guarantees that individual data will be sheltered constantly, by catch and access control, and secure framework information trade program of the strictest security gauges.

•Every day utilize

The extensive variety of confided in colleagues, joined with versatility, the expansion of different organizations in the framework, will give Rateonium more rewards for a brief timeframe. Every client will get singular honors in the framework.

•Cash Trading

Tokens Ratec, acquired from this Rateonium framework, can be sold on any exchanging stage for different monetary standards or crypto transformation FIAT.


This instantly incorporates namelessness, insurance of secret information, security, quick exchange speed, the unwavering quality of the whole framework isn't liable to centralization and change of information, the nonattendance of any sort of misrepresentation.


Positive, dependable criticism for little and huge endeavors. This parameter will influence the rating of numerous organizations around the globe.

Advantage, for clients and dealers

For the primary, the utilization of different rebates in various segments of financial administrations, for the second, the likelihood of hypothesis in coin for benefit.


After beta testing, the undertaking will be utilized in 52 nations.

•Early access

ICO members have the chance to test the stage in real life before the others, having already changed over piece of the RTC tokens into a RTO token. In addition, there is a guide for utilizing the framework from anyplace on the planet.

Token and ICO Details
Well, this project has two tokens, namely Rateonium (RTO) and Ratec (RTC). They both have ERC20 standard but are significantly different.

RTO is directly applicable on the platform and is to be used only within the network, this means that it will receive users as a reward and use it to exchange for various services. The RTO will be generated with each new recall, when the reward is exchanged for a token there will be a burning to counteract inflation within the system.

RTC will be available during sales. It is fully speculative and can be exchanged for a platform token.

Token Details

Token: RTC

Platform: Ethereum

Type: ERC20

PreICO price: 1 RTC = 0.000091 ETH

Price in ICO: 1 RTC = 0.000182 ETH


Pre Sale: 50%

  1. Token Sale: 40%

  2. Token Sale: 30%

  3. Token Sale: 20%

  4. Token Sale: 10%

Tokens for sale : 665,414,296

Min. investment: 0.2 ETH

Accepting: ETH

Distributed in ICO: 83%

Soft cap: 32,000 ETH

Hard cap: 84,234 ETH


Token Distribution

Token sale event: 83%

Strategic Partners: 7%

Team: 10%



•Q1 – 2016

Rateonium Ltd was established in Macedonia

•Q2 – 2016

Strategic planning

Elaborate the system specification sheet

•Q3 – 2016

Recruitment and talent search team

Find partners and investors

•Q4 – 2016

Development of a Rateonium-Sales system

The first sale of a European partner company

•Q1 – 2017

Meeting with investors

Further acquisition of sales of European partner companies

Implementation of the Department of Law & Finance

•Q2 – 2017

Legal preparation

Partner network construction

•Q3 – 2017

Further developments from the system specification sheet

Implementation of the IT Department and Sales Department

•Q4 – 2017

Open a German branch in Hamburg

Conception of the process of selling tokens

•Q1 – 2018

Improving partner network base

Application development and system preparation

Launching branches in Vancouver and London

•Q2 – 2018

Expansion of the IT Department and CTO Announcement

Open an Indian branch in Bangalore


Making the RTC Token Making website

Implementation of the Marketing Department

•Q3 – 2018

RTC Token Pre Sale & Token Sale

Collaboration with ICO Rating & Listing Platforms

Project advisory implementation and evaluation


Application & system implementation

Final system development

Improving the community base

•11 – 2018

Publication of Rateonium Cards for ICO participants

Market expansion in Europe

Further expansion of our partner network

•12 – 2018

Special exchanges for open ICO participants (RTC to RTO)

The Rateonium application is available at istore and playstore

Preparations for Asian and American markets

Financial conference of annual reports of investors and Board Management

Issues of annual reports and business plans presentations for 2019

•Q1 – 2019

Exchange of RTC is activated on the four largest trading platforms

Full launch of the Rateonium system.

Sales acquisition of Asian and American partner companies

•Q2 – 2019

Market expansion in Asia and America

Further community growth throughout the world

Establish branches in San Francisco, New York, Hong Kong, and Tokio

•Q3 – 2019


Negotiation of the Ministry of Finance with leading venture capital investors.

IPO roadshow performance

•Q4 – 2019

Initial Public Offering of the Shareon conference

& Level Stakeholders in New York



For more information, please visit:

WEBSITE : https://rateonium.com/

WHITEPAPER : https://rateonium.com/whitepaper.pdf

REDDIT : https://www.reddit.com/r/Rateonium/

TWITTER : https://twitter.com/@rateonium

TELEGRAM : https://t.me/rateonium

ONE PAGER :https://rateonium.com/onepager.pdf

BITCOINTALK ANN :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4796158.0

Author TheJohnMatch


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