
The new thoughts are coming each day. Individuals need to put resources into the new ventures. We have the greatest apparatus on the planet, and it is known as the Internet. The web is a gigantic base of data where we can do anything. Web has associated the whole world. One of these ventures is MedXchange, a stage that encourages and secures the worldwide trade of therapeutic gadgets, supplies and installments, bringing down extreme patient/client or protection cost and expanding effectiveness.

MedXchange is a blockchain-based framework to democratize the worldwide medicinal gadget industry. Look at the YouTube channel for increasingly —


MedXchange is a blockchain-based framework to democratize the USD 340 billion worldwide therapeutic gadget industry. The stage will:

(I) disintermediate the therapeutic gadget and supplies biological system and make it more proficient;

(ii) encourage and secure the worldwide trade of restorative gadgets, supplies and installments; and

(iii) bring down patient/client or protection cost.


All exchanges on the MedXchange framework will only be encouraged by our (MEDCASH) token. Essentially, MedXchange is an immense worldwide commercial center that associates venders and purchasers of restorative gadgets, gear and supplies. In 2016 the measure of that exchange was USD 340 billion however it is developing to USD 435 billion out of 2020.


Our identity

We are a group of vocation restorative gadget experts, administrative experts, specialists, united wellbeing experts, blockchain masters, scholastics and business counsels, aggregately speaking to several times of involvement. We are conferred and energetic about democratizing the worldwide restorative gadget industry. MedXchange is a blockchain-based framework that will disintermediate the restorative gadget and supplies biological system and make it more productive.

Our stage encourages and secures the worldwide trade of therapeutic gadgets, supplies and installments, bringing down extreme patient/client or protection cost and expanding effectiveness. While the framework is at first centered around the therapeutic gadget industry, it will be adequately adaptable and versatile to include different classifications of managed social insurance biological systems, for example, pharmaceuticals, lab hardware, and administrations.

At first, the MedXchange stage is upheld by restrictive, creative utilize cases and true organizations, notwithstanding our own particular exclusive cryptomining activities.

The What?

MedXchange is a blockchain-based framework to democratize the worldwide therapeutic gadget industry. The stage will disintermediate the medicinal gadget and supplies biological system and make it more productive. MedXchange involves a stage to encourage and secure the worldwide trade of therapeutic gadgets, supplies and installments, bringing down extreme patient/client or protection cost and expanding proficiency.

While the framework will at first be centered around the medicinal gadget industry, it will be adequately adaptable and versatile to include different classifications of directed human services biological systems, for example, pharmaceuticals, research center hardware, and administrations. Our stage is upheld by restrictive, creative utilize cases and true organizations, notwithstanding our own particular exclusive cryptomining tasks. Exchanges on the framework will be upheld by (MEDCASH), an Etherium based (ERC-20) token utilized by clients on the MedXchange stage as the restrictive digital money to lead exchanges, both in-nation and all inclusive.

The Why?

The therapeutic gadget industry is under major money related misery, in the United States yet in addition all inclusive. Numerous nations around the globe are confronting the same heightening expenses of restorative gadgets and supplies and medicinal services when all is said in done, as the United States and different nations are endeavoring to address costs by diminishing repayment rates, setting up value tops, requiring obligatory value decreases, utilizing demonstrative related gatherings (DRGs), and restricting assets accessible for therapeutic gadget buys. With steeply expanding restorative gadget costs, a protected answer for straightforwardness and cost investment funds can massively affect society.

The How?

MedXchange tries to encourage and secure the worldwide trade of medicinal gadgets, supplies and installments. The framework will democratize the $340 Billion worldwide therapeutic gadget industry (developing to $435 Billion out of 2020) by disintermediating the restorative gadget and supplies biological community and making it more productive, bringing down extreme patient/client or protection cost all the while.

As a result of the delicate nature and necessities of medicinal gadgets, existing blockchain dispersed frameworks are not sufficient. The objective of MedXchange is to make a blockchain framework that can pass the stringent necessities of managed medicinal gadgets by guaranteeing better information honesty and encryption, and by giving an approval framework to guarantee the excavators running this system are consistent elements.

MedXchange is a double framework stage using a Blockchain convention for exchanges, character and keen contracts, and with an appropriated hash table (DHT) for information stockpiling, oversaw by an administration framework. The Blockchain convention will be based off of the Ethereum organize, and will begin with evidence of stake (i.e., Casper) and represent the information stockpiling destinations.

In particular, the framework is sponsored by existing resources and utilize cases, including a novel, lifesaving therapeutic innovation that objectives a populace more than 835 million patients overall speaking to conceivably more than 10 Billion exchanges yearly; a pipeline of extra, novel restorative advances and administrations organizations focused for procurement likewise possibly speaking to billions of exchanges every year; and our own restrictive cryptofarming activities in progress.

Points of interest of MedCash

For Sellers

Expands overall revenues by removing most if not all the go betweens in the inventory network.

Expands speed to showcase. For instance when they draw out another item, they can just put it on MedXchange and access showcases instantly.

Levels out the playing field. Meaning little providers can contend comprehensively with substantial combinations – the democratization of exchange.

Better worldwide marking consistency.

No forthright cost to utilize and low exchange costs.

The above rundown isn't comprehensive.

For Buyers

Lower costs.

More control and straightforwardness.

More decisions.

Greater installment choices.

Enables singular patients and purchasers to be more self-coordinated – Consumers will assume a greater part in human services choices and decisions, mirroring a change in attitude from being "patients" to "customers".

What makes MedXchange/MedCash Unique?

In the first place, MedXchange isn't being made in a vacuum. MedXchange has existing assentions Sell-side medicinal gadget producers. The utilization cases spilling out of these incorporate two restrictive restorative gadgets that speak to a potential universe of a great many Buy-side Users (end clients/purchasers) comprehensively, speaking to a potential open door for Billions of exchanges/installments every year utilizing (MEDCASH) over a 10-year time frame.

Second, the token consuming procedure throughout the following 3 years will be bolstered by our own exclusive cryptomining tasks. We intend to scale up our current cryptomining activities significantly to create day by day incomes instantly. These incomes will bolster the token consuming procedure while the MedXchange stage is being produced.


ICO Details

Whitelist: Yes

KYC / AML: Yes

Presale Start Date: March 16th, 2018

Presale End Date: March 31st, 2018

Token Symbol: MEDCASH

Token Type: ERC-20

Token Distribution: 55%: Sold; 15%: Team (on vesting schedules); 10%: CoSponsor/Use case provider; 1% Pre-white paper supporters; 4% Consultants (on vesting schedules); 5%: Technical tokens for stabilization and partnerships; 5%: Bounties; 5%: Further Development / Liquidity Reserve. In addition, the percentage of tokens the team has will remain at 15% regardless of how many tokens are burned.

Initial Token Price .0005 ETH

Minimum Purchase .50 ETH

Hard Cap 110,000,000 (110 Million) MEDCASH tokens – Equivalent to 55,000 ETH

Soft Cap 20,000,000 (20 Million) MEDCASH tokens – Equivalent to 10,000 ETH


The MedCash private sale will offer MEDCASH tokens to early contributors and investors to expedite platform development and facilitate the launch of the main/public token sale. The offer is scheduled as follows:

Pre-ICO Week 1 = 25% Bonus [16 Mar to 23 Mar]

(That means, during the first week of the pre-ICO 1,25 MedCash Tokens will be provided for each 0.0005 ETH transferred);

Pre-ICO Week 2 = 20% Bonus [24 Mar to 31 Mar]

(That means, during the second week of the pre-ICO 1,20 MedCash Tokens will be provided for each 0.0005 ETH transferred);


MEDCASH will offer the remaining MEDCASH tokens for up to 8 weeks after the private sales. The soft cap for the main/public ICO is 20,000,000 MEDCASH.

Minimum Contribution: 0,5 ETH
Maximum Contribution: none (for large contributors >$100,000 we may contact you afterwards for proper processing and bonus allocation. If you have any questions contact us at
Bonus: Starting from 25% and decreasing throughout the token sale per the outline here:
Duration: up to 60 Days max (sooner if we hit the hard cap sooner; and we reserve the right generally to discontinue sooner)
Referral Commission: 3%
Bonus Tokens

(a) During the Presale Start Date:

*During the first week of the Presale, 1.25 Tokens will be provided for each 0.0005 ETH transferred;

*During the second week of the Presale (i.e. the week just prior to the ICO Starting date), 1.20 Tokens will be provided for each 0.0005 ETH transferred;

*During the first week of the ICO – 1.15 Tokens will be provided for each 0.0005 ETH transferred;

(c) During the second week of the ICO – 1.10 Tokens will be provided;

(d) During the third week of the ICO – 1.05 Tokens will be provided;

(e) During the remainder of the ICO – 1.00 Token will be provided;

Token Burning

The Company will burn 50% of the MedCash (MEDCASH) tokens over the next 3 years and decrease the MedCash (MEDCASH) supply. Therefore the demand and value of the token will grow as an inverse proportion to the Token Burning process.

User Growth

The MedXchange ecosystem will be powered by a cryptographic token called MedCash (MEDCASH), a tradable token representing the sole currency for transactions on the system and granting token holders exclusive access to the MedXchange ecosystem. The MEDCASH token is fully integrated in the MedXchange ecosystem and the transactions and participation in all components of the ecosystem will be done exclusively with MEDCASH tokens. Therefore the demand and value of the token will grow in direct proportion to the number of active users and the number and dollar volume of transactions on the MedXchange platform.

Accepts ETH

Token Distribution

Upon reaching our Hard Cap of 110 million MEDCASH (110,000 ETH), the first distributions of tokens will commence to ERC-20 compatible wallets within 72 hours after reaching the hard cap (but in no event later than 15 days after reaching the hard cap), subject to the Terms and Conditions.

Participation Restrictions Void where prohibited


The MedXchange platform is owned by MedXchange Ltd. a Hong Kong limited company. See full Terms and Conditions for additional details.

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