
The new thoughts are coming each day. Individuals need to put resources into the new undertakings. We have the greatest apparatus on the planet, and it is known as the Internet. The web is a colossal base of data where we can do anything. Web has associated the whole world. One of these ventures is GreenX, a blockchain environment that enables individual and institutional speculators to discover and put resources into beneficial, generally safe sustainable power source ventures around the world.


GreenX is a blockchain environment that enables singular financial specialists and establishments to discover and put resources into okay sustainable power source extends that advantage the world over. Designers of sustainable power source extends frequently think that its hard to raise reserves for their undertakings on the grounds that these ventures are for the most part capital serious and require expansive capital speculations. Then again, institutional financial specialists in sustainable power source extends frequently confront generous dangers by investing in one to a few super activities because of liquidity imperatives with their venture supports because of the long advancement time of these undertakings. Other than that, GreenX takes care of the issues of the two designers and speculators by building a biological community that incorporates two worldwide markets - GreenX Capital Markets and GreenX Global Exchange.

The GreenX Capital Market is a crowdfunding stage worked with blockchain innovation, while GreenX Global Exchange is a vitality venture advertise that works all inclusive. Recording at GreenX Capital Market is liable to a free due industriousness process alongside AI-based similar hazard investigation. Moreover, GreenX is amis to cross over any barrier between the crypto stage and this present reality by setting up an enlisted GreenX auxiliary in each venture nation alongside a money account alongside the designer, where every one of their speculations and returns are diverted. Then again, GreenX Global Exchange enables speculators to purchase shares from prepared to-contribute tasks and prepared to be created soon where they would prefer not to hold up amid the venture improvement period.


This market covers sustainable power source generation and has kept on developing at a consistent rate as far as limit. For example, in 2007, the world created 99 Gigawatts (GW) of renewaable vitality. In any case, by the year 2016, creation soar to a record high 2011.3 GW. This means environmentally friendly power vitality sources contributed 24% of the aggregate power delivered in 2016 generally comprising of hydro control which was nearly trailed by wind and sun based vitality.

In spite of the fact that an extremely critical breakthrough has been accomplished, approaches of the legislatures have been exceptionally strong in pushing for advancement and increment in limit. Various urban communities which incorporate Las Vegas have made the exchanged a 100% sustainable power source supply with others endeavoring wild endeavors to accomplish a similar accomplishment. Numerous nations over the world have define objectives that concur with the Paris understanding and are reliably and perseveringly financing various environmentally friendly power vitality ventures. For instance, Germany has set an objective to change thoroughly to sustainable power sources in 2050. Obviously, the interest for efficient power vitality has been on the ascent among nations.


High generation Capacity at Lower Cost: As expressed above, starting at 2016, approximately 2011.3 GW of environmentally friendly power vitality was delivered by inexhaustible sources. This records for nealy 25% of all power expended over the world. Sun based power created 47% of recently included inexhaustible power while wind contributed 34% and hydro control 15.5%. The environmentally friendly power vitality advertise ceaselessly encounters fast development and increment sought after. A general pattern can be watched. The creation of petroleum derivative and atomic vitality are on the decay while that of environmentally friendly power vitality keeps on moving at a normal rate of 4.7%. As nations eliminate their old vitality sources, we keep on recording a drop in vitality delivered in non sustainable sources.

Strong Policy of Governments: The main impetus behind the momentous development in the efficient power vitality segment is the approaches of government. In a worldwide pattern, countries have been giving duty motivating forces and engaging financing motivators. Thus, huge changes have been advanced in sustainable power source innovation.

Extending Global Funding: In 2016, worldwide interest in new sustainable power source was $241.6bn. It denoted the fifth year in succession that interest in new inexhaustible power limit was generally twofold that of petroleum derivative. The International Energy Agency has evaluated that a worldwide interest in environmentally friendly power vitality would require an aggregate $730bn by 2035 to accomplish worldwide targets. As present venture is about $225bn every year, the worldwide market would need to triple to take care of vitality demand.

Brilliant Future: The eventual fate of efficient power vitality is surely encouraging. With unfriendly impacts of environmental change pushing the business forward, these tasks posture insignificant hazard and extremely energizing returns.



Effectively take advantage of worldwide pool of assets.

Ordinary legitimate methodology simply like a typical JV contract.

All speculations are paid forthright by financial specialists and are accessible for quick advancement. No danger of postponement.

Streamlined because of steadiness process, forestalling spillage of touchy data.

Financial specialists

Permitting little financial specialists take part.

Rights and monetary interests are secured by savvy contracts. GreenX deals with every single lawful continuing.

Approach proficient due perseverance reports and additionally AI-produced venture articulation.

Approach the optional GreenX Global Exchange for liquidity.

The crypto-supported stage enables industrialists to put anyplace on the planet without surrendering their protection.



Face challenges raising assets because of budgetary market restrictions.

Have low transaction control when managing substantial speculators

Moderate reserve discharge causes delay in developments.


Must bear expansive introduction because of high stake of free vitality ventures.

Experience issues discovering ventures because of topographical impediments.


Can't contribute with minimal capital

Try not to have assets to lead legitimate due persistence

Have concerns with respect to security insurance


Terms of Sale Token

GreenX Token is sold through smart contract. To participate in a token sale event, an investor must first register at our token sales portal at and complete the KYC / AML check. Upon signing up, contributors can easily send Ethereum from a supported wallet to the GreenX smart contract address to claim the GEX tokens.

The terms of the sale of the GreenX tokens are summarized below:

Total GEX token offer: 375 million GEX

Total GEX tokens allocated for token sales: 60% of total token supply

Target Funding: $ 30,000,000

Soft Cap: 2,500 Ethereum

Contribution received: Ethereum

Restrictions on Token Sales

GreenX aims to build a sustainable business. Therefore, we always try to comply with all compliance rules and instructions. There are some restrictions on individuals wishing to participate in the sale of our tokens.

Token Distribution

GreenX sells 60% of all token supplies during the token sales round. Tokens sold to the public will be locked during the ICO period. After ICO is completed on July 31st, all tokens will be opened and become transferable.

16% of GEX's total supply is allocated to GreenX Founders, Core Team, and team backup. These coins are locked by a smart contract for 12 months after the ICO ends.

7% of GEX's total supply is allocated to GreenX's advisors and business partners. This token also includes a backup for future business partnerships.

10% of GEX's total supply is the token ordered. This token is provided for referral bonuses, gift programs, and many people's sales rewards.

GreenX also allocated a 4% bonus fund. These funds are to attract future employees and allocate for future community programs.

GreenX reserves 2% of our token supply total for rewards program, and 1% additional airdrop for our community.


Budget allocation

Funds gained during the sale of GreenX tokens will be used to increase the benefit of the GEX token holders. ICO results are used to build sustainable businesses that will continue to bring exciting projects to the ecosystem, increase the use and value of GreenX. We therefore allocate ICO funds as follows, to create not only short-term but long-term value to all stakeholders.


Projected Income






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