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Claude Béglé, A Swiss Parliamentary Introduced a Motion to Make Switzerland "A Global Blockchain Hub"

Claude Béglé a member of the Swiss Parliament introduced a motion which aims to transform Switzerland in a global blockchain hub. Swiss is know for it's policies in having laws which are/were protecting the privacy of the Swiss banks clients. Nowadays Swiss banks are more prone to collaborate to foreign governments in cases of money laundering and corruption cases.

Switzerland is not the only nation seeing the bright side of the cryptocurrencies. Japan just endorsed 11 cryptocurrency exchanges, aiming to become a bitcoin powerhouse.

Here is the text of the motion, translated by a reddit user, bloemy7.

"Promoting Switzerland as a global hub for blockchain technology
Motion that I just tabled at the end of the session at the National Council, on a subject that some do not yet understand very well, but which will upset our habits. So prepare as well.

Text of Motion

The Federal Council is asked to carry out a reflection involving the relevant actors in order to establish a strategy that will make Switzerland a global center of Blockchain technology; and to accompany this process by taking on a facilitating role, stimulating training, promoting conferences, establishing a specific legal framework and creating a quarterly information chart.

Blockchain technology matures from month to month: it is moving from the testing phase to a certain degree of standardization, enabling it to spread rapidly across many sectors of the economy.

With a leading innovation ecosystem, our country has the necessary assets to attract the actors of the blockchain. And the emergence of a global blockchain cluster in Switzerland would benefit our entire economy.


Concretely, the blockchain is a sort of virtual notary: all transactions, all recordings of documents serving as proof are made by computers.

The blockchain is very secure: it works thanks to dozens of computers, permanently connected, which register the same transaction, control its contents and store it at the same time. The operation is validated only if more than 50% of the computers in the blockchain have the same information.

By combining the blockchain with the Internet of the objects and the digital creation of documents, one obtains a "smart contract" which allows to trigger an action when certain facts have occurred, that to respect the provisions of a contract.
The blockchain, included in smart contracts, is very popular with banks to validate in one click financial transactions. It begins to be used for the international transit of goods (abandoning bundles of customs documents), for the international traceability of foodstuffs, or to oblige to deliver only medicines transported at the right temperature.

Many major Swiss groups are interested in the blockchain: UBS, Swisscom, Nestlé, Trafigura have entered into partnerships; Credit Suisse has a specialized research team. And we are already talking about a "Crypto Valley" in the region of Zug.
On the other hand, 60% of the heads of companies do not measure the stakes of the digital and the blockchain, according to a survey carried out in the canton of Vaud by the Chamber of Commerce at the end of 2016. It is also in this that a federal impulse would be useful.

Claude Béglé, National Councilor"

Pictures of the original post on Facebook, in French:


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