Jokes on you Google.

My thoughts on google advertisement policies.

I have never clicked on any ads, never bought any products that where advertised for google ads (or icos I prefer to hold to Eth). Hell even when I am buying clothes I am trying so hard to find clothing without visual branding on it, cause If I am to advertise your fucking brand walking around the street I should at least had those clothes for free at least.

I will never get in the mentality of buying someones shit because he made a (google) ad to get new customers. I truly believe that a good product does not need any kind of advertisement to succeed. I have never seen a Bitcoin ad an Ethereum ad or any of the big boys advertising at google or anywhere else. The only advertisements I've seen on them are from 3rd parties to promote their businesses (like local stores accepting the coins and so on) and not bitcoin or eth or any other of the big coins. But this was never the case with the ICO bs situation that is going on for 1,5 years now. Google banning those ads is less about protecting your financial status and more about protecting theirs. If you can't wrap that around your head you shouldn't invest to what is supposed to be a revolutionary technology for the future because guess what, some giants that control our centralized world wouldn't want to lose their current market share, I know it is mind blown right. Disruptive technologies can claim to be that when they have the entire world against them but still thrive so this was to be expected, even though in some degree I think it is just fud that comes from every possible point of control in the current worlds statues quo. Huge interests are on stake here so instead of being interest that names such as Coca Cola/LLoyd's/Visa/Mastercard/EU commission/and another 60ish brands will be represented at the Europe Blockchain 2018 at whales with a spokesman you should be bothered with fud that comes out of the most centralized organization to be ever existed. Google kills innovation, competition and fair wailth distribution those are the facts.

The only bad outcome of this is that the space will be less of a circlejerk from now on with way less (probably) profits to be made short term. Hopeful we will stop seeing lambo memes and get back to actually care about the technology that underlays into blockchain to change the way the world works. And the way the world works is the way google wants it to for now.

I always had and always have my adblockers on if everyone was like me Google would die a slow painful death but it wouldn't be wised to kill it since we still can't replace it with something fairer. So jokes on them. In the long term they are cleaning the space for us something that it would be impossible to be achieved from within the crypto world and it will benefit the overall long term viability of the technology.

Just go ahead and use an adblocker at all time by all means. Give google a small tiny message of what it is to come.
Ads was, are, and will always be the cancer of the internet, period.

Ending a small message about the current situation for the prices.
If crypto can disrupt the way world power is distributed among some Mega Corps I don't mind some dips and crashes every now and then as long as there is the hope that we will be able, in our life times to change the way all that shit plays out and have an actually saying to where it will go in the future. We hold great responsibility to future generations to deliver an equal opportunity world to everyone, Stop tunneling the entire world wealth into a dozen of mega rich families pockets. They will only use that money to replace your rusty chains with golden ones. You will still be a slave, been swagger than you used to be won't change that.

If you think the entire crypto world is a scam then cash out to fiat as soon as possible this is not a ride for you. If you think that people all over the world are in deep shit unbanked and cut off in purpose to create inequality in a way to control the world crypto is something you would want to consider supporting because at the end of the day still at current prices it is like a 40$ per person breathing to match the current market cap. For an industry that can be a paradigm shift for our society this is laughable The entire western world could abandoned and crush crypto just for the unbanked to adopted and create the worlds biggest transfer of value ever recorde in history, you think this isn't something those highly ranked at forbes individuals are not considering? I am not here to speculate though I am here to say that Google ads had been still are and will keep on being shit, investing into them makes for a disastrous outcome. As every paid commercial is ico's are nothing more than products in search for customers and I trully thing that 90% of those surviving it just wont happen.

Have fun getting fud or fomo'ed we still need to burn a lot of cash to change the world Long live crypto.

Best Regards.

Do not invest more money than you can afford to lose. It wont cost that much to change the world, Greed can bite you in the ass.

Peace and out.

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