A true reflection of Value - the Blockchain analogy

A blockchain analogy.png

For me, the blockchain has come to represent a beautiful reflection of what's been happening for too long and sitting here witnessing the redistribution of wealth is just a really beautiful thing. It's just a better system, so we can do the things we really want to do, and if anything, this revelation has opened the door for us to get to our goals easier. I don't see the blockchain as a destination, rather an opportunity to see what we'll do with this new found freedom and if we will prepare well for what is still to come, now that money is becoming a lighter word.

I find it no co-incidence that the time line for the 2008 property market crash in the US and the birth of the blockchain and Bitcoin are so close by, even though it may have taken some time to develop , it was still birthed in this timeline. If you think about it, it had a market so ready for another option , much like whats been happening with alternative medicine and the likes. Once we SEE the problem clearly a solution is almost immediately obvious. What did Michael Burry (The Big Short) do after he bet against the banks and won? He invested in water and by the sounds of it, crypto too, but if a man with so much insight, and the guts to put his money where his mouth is, invests in water, i think we had better take a deeper look.

What's the point of billions in any currency if we cant eat fresh food or drink clean water?

What the world has experienced as regards financial services has left a pretty bad taste in our mouth and has been one of the biggest reasons for poverty and disease, then the power + centralisation led to corruption, ABSOLUTELY. Unfortunately though, the ones who pay the biggest price are those without voices , those unable to express themselves out of fear and this way of life at one point or another had to change, and this is the first time power is decentralising. Centralisation is unhealthy simply because any organization or person is at risk of political influence or manipulation, Google for example, should they not quickly decentralise so a single entity is no longer responsible for the data of millions of users? This is one way to ensure they can really assure they "do no evil" nor partake in any of it either.

This concept of centralisation has made things complicated not just in the financial sector but our very way of life. Decentralising water systems for example could lead to a better management and a more sustainable solution, and often times what we call a drought it just a results of inadequate water systems. But why the obsession with centralizing? From what I see it all started as a way to bring together people with the same needs, but quickly grew into something else. The blockchain addresses this challenge so well in that through the power of a community we are already able to self manage so well that we need less and less of systems that once were our only option.

The thing I find the funniest in all this is the fact that the banks and governments are trying to look their best through what i'm sure could be described as a "funny feeling, in that something is not right". The world is changing before their very eyes and for the most part are unable to do anything about it, because its crazy to think that "something like this" can just change the world so fast, and for too long didn't give any attention. Really though, a regulation here and there or the usual fear mongering is far from control as the more people jump onto the freedom train the more we realise how less we need from the matrix, this should be their biggest fear, no war, no violence, just a simpler option. Imagine if we all said we accept alt coins as a form of currency today, what would happen?

Sure there is an elephant in the room that makes many of us question activities associated with the use of the coin, especially those we may not agree with. How then is it that such activities are taking place right now, and in many places getting worse? What if the reasons for such actions come from the same reasons that got us into this mess in the first place. It's certainly not Bitcoin's fault that people do bad things with is, like its not any other world currencies fault for whats going on around the world now.

This is the era of real value reflection where the creators are rewarded instead, and even with its challenges, the blockchain it's still one of the greatest expressions of our time. For too long there has been greed, feeding on the weak, and that time has come where we can say, it's enough, it's OUR choice, it's OUR world and OUR future.

May the blockchain continue to evolve to the point where the final expression of man is peace and harmony, living in the world of abundance many of us know exists.

Here's a little secret i'd like to share with you, the real value is burried under and around the sand, it always has been, food and water are the things we cant live without, plant a seed and you'll understand :)

Through it all stay blessed,
Simply Shad

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