Prosperism: Incentivized & Equitable Sharing Of Assets

The definition of Prosperism is heavily inspired by the definition of “Sharonomics” that was attempted in one of my earlier blogs. The tagline of Sharonomics – “To share is human, to expect nothing in return is divine,” says it all.

Having already discussed the first and second elements of the definition of Prosperism we address the third element - "incentivized and equitable sharing of assets"

Sharing is only means to an end, and not an end in itself

Most sharing does appear to be acquired as part of social skills. However, sharing behavior is only a means to an end, and not an end in itself. Irrespective of whatever that end is, it is always gratifying. The billions of social shares that we engage in everyday must be rewarding us with some level of gratification, otherwise we wouldn't be doing it. Therefore, all human sharing has to be equitable, particularly when it sustains an economy.

Blockchaining To Prosperity

Technology is enabling humanity to share a lot more than just social share, spinning off a brand new sharing industry that’s thriving on that natural human instinct to “share.” With the advent of decentralized networking, sharing is becoming easy, secure, private, seamless, and of course rewarding enough. If we make sharing equitable, incentivize it and secure it with blockchain, and we will have a sustainable economy based on sharing. AlgoShare is an example of incentivized & equitable sharing that enables Prosperism.

To place the content of this post in proper perspective you may want to review my following earlier posts:

  1. SHOCK & AWE
  2. Prosperism: Blockchaining To Prosperity
  3. Prosperism: Decentralized Zero-Loss Ecosystem
  4. Prosperism: Democratizing The Generation & Spreading Of Wealth

Happy Holidays :)


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