Whither To Bitcoin?

PIC: https://99bitcoins.com

As you know, Bitcoin has taken quite a hit this year. From it's peak of almost $20,000 in late December 2017, the Bitcoin performance has been as follows this year:

  1. January 2018 - $11,000
  2. February 2018 - $10,000
  3. March 2018 - $8,000
  4. April 2018 - $9,000
  5. May 2018 - $7,000
  6. June 2018 - $6,000
  7. Currently - $6,200

This overall downward trend since January is now what has gotten people talking. The slump in the value of cryptocurrencies in general and Bitcoin in particular has led to all sorts of analysis and predictions by "experts".
Some experts are making a case for a recovery in the price of digital currencies while others are painting a very gloomy picture.

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PIC: https://3.bp.blogspot.com

In one of today's big news on bitcoin, an expert says that he believes the future of the top-ranked cryptocurrency has three possible outcomes. NOAH SMITH of Bloomberg says that Bitcoin will either:

  1. replace fiat currencies all over the world,
  2. become a highly valuable commodity like gold,
  3. or continue to plummet in value becoming worthless in the process.

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PIC: https://upload.wikimedia.org

Please read about this interesting piece at https://bitcoinist.com/bitcoin-will-end-up-in-one-of-three-ways-predicts-expert/ and form your own opinion. Happy read!!!

DISCLAIMER: This is not an investment advice. Do your own research before investing in anything.

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