Would you agree with me that the modern world is extremely difficult to imagine without numerous options of Bank cards, as well as non-cash payment methods?! If once, it was something new and not particularly clear, now these methods of payment for purchases and services are a convenient environment for communication to modern society. Of course there are people who still habitually use Fiat currencies, but you will see, it will take another couple of years and we will not remember about their existence. And all because non-cash payments not only simplify the monetary relations between organizations, bars, cafes and restaurants, but various shops, making them many times faster and better.


But, despite all their popularity, many classical or as they can still be called traditional non-cash payments use a whole string of intermediaries. Each of which charges a fee for the transaction. I remember once seeing a very illustrative social experiment, as a group of people tried to demonstrate to people around the fact that each transaction they pay a Commission, thereby losing some of their money on the empty space. The experiment looked like this. In the center of the metropolis, two young people set up a small island selling donuts. And everyone who bought this donut, the guy (the seller) bit off a piece of this donut. On that natural way buyers reacted with bewilderment. Someone was shocked, someone too much angry. But in the end, they still explained to them the essence of the experiment, referring to the fact that such moments of "biting" happen to them all the time. They just don't see it. Since most payments occur in real time and in fractions of seconds.

Which in turn leads to the fact that people are reluctant to start using all those available means of non-cash payment, as on a regular basis for them it translates into a very tidy sum. This is especially acute when you are trying to make a transaction for a very large amount, where the input includes all existing means of payment, the "teeth" of which tend to bite off from you about 3% of the amount of the money pool you are transferring. To be honest, this kind of Commission is called " robbery in broad daylight." But what to do, while in the classical system of centralized relations, we still have what we have and are unlikely to get in the near future worthy alternatives to existing means of payment. However, I wouldn't be in a hurry to get too upset if I were you. Since obsolete "classical" structures are replaced by new improved tools with which people acquire completely new principles of communication, as well as the ability to eliminate unnecessary intermediaries easily and safely.

I think many of you have already guessed that I am talking about such a modern technology as blockchain. But as they say, the technology itself is nothing, without the accompanying vector of development and the structure in which it will be implemented. Therefore, I propose to consider a new concept of perception of this technology in the format of non-cash payments. Interested?! Then don't switch and read my review to the end.

About the project and its features

The project that I would like to tell you today is called - DEXA COIN. Naturally, like any normal project, DEXA COIN has its own purpose for which it was developed in principle. If you have carefully read my Preface and the block describing the existing problems, you have already partially caught the thread of events happening around the world. The solution which we intend to offer specialists to develop modern, decentralized means of payment with near-perfect conditions for cooperation under the name of DEXA COIN. To put it simply, DEXA COIN is a project whose main goal is to simplify all the processes of sending money, as well as to exclude countless intermediaries. At the same time reducing not only the Commission percentage for the transaction, but also the time of sending a particular amount to any corner of our big planet.

At the same time, all you may need for this, consists of only two things: your smartphone and access to the Internet. Having only these two components, you get incredible prospects for communication with your business partners, family members, friends or just acquaintances, regardless of how much you want to give them or Vice versa to get.


It is important to note that DEXA COIN can be used not only for banal transactions between users (such as Western Union), but also in all other non-cash payments. That is, you can easily pay your bills in a cafe, bar, restaurant, shop, gas station and so on.

After all, the built-in extensions (NFC and QR code) in DEXA COIN allow you to carry out all of the above transactions easily and without much effort. Moreover, a specially developed application will allow you to seamlessly integrate with any of your Bank accounts, as well as connect the appropriate card (Visa or Mastercard). At the same time, the built-in DEXA Wallet allows you to make crypto-currency exchanges, within which it will be easy to exchange both for Bitcoin and for any other ERC-20 standard token.


There is no doubt that the entire developed system DEXA COIN worked as often, the developers offered us their own token (DEXA) by means of which all internal transactions will be carried out. If we talk about the technical characteristics of this coin, the token itself is represented by a utility marker with the total amount of delivery in 100 billions of them. With an initial value $0,00003 USD 1 DEXA. What I think is quite adequate, given the total emission of these coins.


Concluding his review, I would like to note that the emergence of such accessible, simple and easy to use and most importantly, clear structures. Allow to launch new business processes in society, reducing the overall problems of financial transactions around the world. After all, who would not say that, but the future of cryptocurrencies. Since they are really more convenient, less expensive and carry out all their transactions not only in the most reliable way, but also with minimal costs. And this in our time, I believe, so, extremely important!

Get acquainted with the same DEXA COIN you can much more, for this you will be enough to look at the next section of my article. Namely, in the section official sources DEXA COIN, which you are looking forward to at the end of this article. That's it! Thank you for your attention and see you again!

Official resources of the project DEXA COIN:


MY ETH ADDRESS: 0x90051516FC3451D7bF1b5e7D0A4486757FC81C32
UNIQUENESS 100%: - 100.00%

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