🚀BAZOOKA - Decentralized Investment Platform🚀

We all like to try our luck more or less. Someone plays for this in the casino, someone buys a lottery ticket, and someone does participate in sports betting. However, no matter how much this adventure did not seem gambling, people still continued and will continue to take part in it. Moreover, over the past few years, the number of participants in sports betting shows an excellent result of growth, relative to the other areas listed by me.

  • However, no matter how popular this industry is due to its centralization, there are a number of problems and inaccuracies that undermine the authority of users who are actively involved in this direction. A new decentralized project is going to solve these problems, which we will now consider. So, let's go!

About the project and its features.

The project that will be discussed now is called BAZOOKA. BAZOOKA is a decentralized platform that intends to make a qualitative revolution in the sports betting industry, opening up new opportunities for Blockchain technology. After all, as you remember, the block structure of decentralized networks allows you to eradicate any fraudulent gray schemes, where some users could easily deceive others. Here in BAZOOKA it is excluded.

  • Moreover, the transparent architecture of the Ethereum Blockchain with its smart contracts will allow to improve all the relations of the platform with its user. Establishing a reliable, transparent and secure relationship between them. What I think is necessary in this segment of the industry, especially now, when each centralized platform only does what it thinks how to deceive its user.


Since BAZOOKA is not the first decentralized project of its kind in the sports betting category, the competitive advantage against which it intends to stand out among other participants in this market is its BazToken. Despite the fact that BazToken itself will be developed on the basis of the Ethereum Protocol and comply with the ERC-20 standard, it is not only the limited supply issue that makes It special, which will be equal to only 2,500,000 units. But also a specially developed algorithm for burning tokens, which will burn about 2% of the coins when making a single transaction.

  • This technique intends not only to eliminate the volatility of the token on the Exchanges after its release, but also to provide BazToken with an ever-increasing value. Thus fueling the interest of users who are actively involved in the world of sports betting. As for me, this is just a brilliant idea that is really able to defend its position in the market of offers and be more outstanding than other players in this sector.

About the platform

As for the platform itself, the range of its capabilities is not limited to its super token. On the contrary, the available trump card allows BAZOOKA to meet the demand of each client, offering him only the best sports offers. At the same time, payments occur daily, which means you do not have to wait too long for your winnings.

  • What BAZOOKA is not only sports betting, gambling, but also e-Commerce. Where the founders are ready to offer their users and Blackjack, and poker, and many other things that are so expensive and important to the active user.


Concluding our review of BAZOOKA, we can safely say that this platform intends to create high-quality conditions for all its users. At the same time, to act as a worthy guide to the world of decentralized opportunities. Therefore, in order not to miss such a pleasant opportunity to try out the advantages of BAZOOKA, I suggest you go to the official documents section of the project and continue your acquaintance with BAZOOKA in more detail.

After all, I remind you that my reviews are exclusively informative and do not arrive at anything. Moreover, only you are responsible for all your actions, and not someone else. So keep that in mind.

Official resources projects BAZOOKA:

WEBSITE: https://baztoken.io/
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/bazookians
WHITEPAPER: https://baztoken.io/bazwhitepaper.pdf
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/baztoken
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Baztoken
MEDIUM: http://medium.com/@Baztoken
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/BazToken/
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bazooka-project-7ab7ba192/

MY BITCOINTALK PROFILE LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=911745
MY ETH ADDRESS: 0x00C8648468D9F5C298322f80B4b1bE9eBdE95913
UNIQUENESS 100%: https://text.ru/antiplagiat/5e06040668827 Text.ru - 100.00%

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