Who’s the king?

One can hardly argue that content — we are now mostly referring to visual content which has outplayed all other types so far — keeps evolving day by day. This is only natural as at this point of time content is principally man-made. Thus it reflects what people feel, think and experience on a daily basis. Their mundane surroundings couple with very special happenings. In other words, all that an ordinary man’s life would include is of interest and may be captured on a photograph. And, just like you and me, what surrounds us is in constant motion and never stays the same.

Despite our native countries having borders and despite our differing sociocultural backgrounds and upbringing, we are all humans. That is what really unites us all. Given that, we all live, interact and express ourselves in the common space of the planet. We all see with the same very eyes and have the same wish. To experience Carpe Diem, or ‘Seize the Moment’ thing.

Let me now analyze some very typical evidence of today and today’s people that does not depend on our origin and current whereabouts. And concerns our Internet behaviour and relations with visual content.

General visual-content features of NOW

I consider the genre of statistical summary to be the most non-biased data source, so let us shed some light on global people’s behaviour in our era.

Internet Users

There now exists an estimate of 7.6 bln people in the world. These figures refer to the whole year of 2018 and may slightly differ from reality given standard deviations of social-measurement tools. As for those who proudly call themselves ‘Internet Users’, there have been discovered 4.1 bln such people so far. This information dates back to 31 Dec, 2017 and may now be a bit different. It is to be noted that the fact of belonging to the latter does not imply being a proficient or frequent Internet surfer.

Of course, ways how people prefer to spend their time on the Net vary. But if we get back to our muttons — ‘we are all humans’ idea, — we will come to realize most of us devote their spare Internet time to entertaining themselves. This by default includes socializing, which has always taken a substantial part of our leisure. And one cannot imagine social interactions with friends and acquaintances without having an account in one social network — to the very least.

Social Network Users

Moving on to various social media, I have decided not to waste a single second on unpopular platforms. So in this research I will focus on the most popular ones, namely Facebook and Instagram, who have gotten many more than 300 mln active users by the beginning of 2018. Facebook has got hold of 2.1 bln active users while Instagram has fallen behind its rival with about 800,000 users overall.

If you now get just one step back in the stats, you will no doubt see how large the percentage of these two networks’ users among all Internet users is. To be exact, Facebook and Instagram lovers comprise three quarters of all the people who know what the Net is about.

Smartphone Users

For certain, the picture would have never been such with all those tons of people constantly online if HD-powered affordable smart mobile phones had not appeared. It has been foretold that by 2020 the number of smartphone users will have grown up to 5 billion people.

Photographers and photographs

As far as visual content is concerned, there is a bit of statistics waiting for you here, too. Last year about 1.2 trillion pictures were taken. We want to make it clear this number is annual. As for people’s daily routines, approximately 3 bln people are stated to make millions of daily photos.

In the meantime, Facebook does not rest. It being one of the hugest photo archives among social networks — do not mix it with a photo stock, — every year it gets a share of around 110 bln photos uploaded. Instagram’s case seems less grand with ‘only’ 20 bln pictures of a yearly upload.

However, there is a weird feeling I have missed out something vitally important…What could that be? Huh, I got it.

Social Networks’ Revenues

And in the focal point of our attention is the cosmic profit that shareholders of the two aforementioned media giants pull in each year. In ‘profit’ I put the amount of money Facebook and Instagram keep earning on advertising.

To be precise, in 2017 Facebook got advertising wages equal to a bit less than 40 bln dollars. Meanwhile, there is no sign of Facebook having payed out a penny of this money to real contributors. These are normal users, ordinary people, Jacks and Jills — any people who have personal accounts within those platforms. These are you and me.

However, I am sure — and have got some statistical findings to support my claims — that the visual content story differs from country to country. And even within a separate state — when you quit one city and enter another one, you have a chance to meet something truly unique in one specific area. So, if fat chances are there exist peculiarities depending on the countries, let us take a closer look at them.

Country-wise features

For example, according to some up-to-date ratings of the best photographers world-wide, there are countries that have a pretty comfortable lead. They comprise the USA, Germany and India. What made photo-artists from these countries step significantly forward compared to the rest of the planet is a big question as well as how their head start looked like. But this is not the case of our today’s quite a long read.

Now let me give you the inside scoop on dependence of people’s social behaviour on where they live. There has been a report released on how much time people from all over the world spend on Facebook. The leaders are people from Singapore who daily dedicate around 39 minutes to FB. The least interested are Brazilians with less than 18 minutes of a daily spend.

But irrespective of how long, all these billions go on doing it, day by day. And looks like all of them deserve a better solution than what they are exposed to now.


Hopefully, I do not need to remind you that SELFLLERY is quite a handy decentralized social platform on Blockchain designed to properly monetize users for their content contributions.

SELFLLERY poses no limitations concerning your age, sex, nation or occupation features as well as your background in photography. Nor it anyhow limits you in terms of your specialization, preferable genres or editing methods and tools.

Of course, your overall professional background and skillset cannot but largely impact the number of likes you will be able to get from other users. In such a fashion, a more well-versed photographer will most probably gain advantages over their less weathered colleagues. By “colleagues” I do not necessarily mean one has to earn their living through photography. A reminder for you, just in case.

To-date, SELFLLERY these days continues Token Sale where you can contibute and to purchase platform’s internal currency YOU token — Carpe Diem till 26th of March 2018. Also the platform counts as many as 8249 users with more than 32,000 uploaded photos in total. These photographers originate from many countries of the world inclusive of the USA, Germany, Singapore, Pakistan, India, Ukraine, Belarus and the Russian Federation.

We further expect people from the CIS, Western Europe, South-Eastern Asia and elsewhere. Given that our platform is tied to all countries and translated onto 16 languages already, only the sky is the limit.

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