Patreon has De-monetized Lauren Southern!!!

Wow - I though I had seen it all..... it's not JUST Youtube, Facebook, And Twitter that are following orders and cracking down on free speech and dissenting (see - free thinking) points of view.....

Not only has youtube de-monetized pretty much anyone with any alternative (see non main stream) point of view....

Now they are starting to demonetize people on patreon, too.


Once again - this is an open call to ALL content creators to wake up and smell the coffee..... they are coming after ALL of us.

If you are only on youtube, get your butt over on steemit where the cabal tentacles do not reach

.....and make your account over on onG.Social where you will NOT be censored..... This battle is heating up and need to build up the alternative platforms sooner rather than later.

Is there Patron Alternatives out there? Has anyone started developing a crypto version of Patreon yet?

I think it's time....

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