SPHERE " The care taker of your privacy, data security and transparency"


Before the start of this year, you won't believe me I had never heard the word
" cryptocurrency". In the month of January 2018 i was preparing for my exams and suddenly I found the topic of " bitcoin " in my syllabus and i studied the topic but I was not able to understand it well. We all know that humans don't understand the things well until they are shown the things practically or given examples. Luckily I got the experience of both, just after a few days i met my cousin and he told me about steemit and the cryptocurrencies, he has got investments in more than ten cryptocurrencies.
He encouraged me to use steemit and i got some knowledge by reading the blogs of people on blockchain and cryptocurrency. I am happy to admit that today I have a very good knowledge of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
Now i can take decisions at my own that which cryptocurrency I should invest in and which I should not. Couple of months before i came to know about an amazing blockchain based social networking platform, which i will recommend you too.


Social networking websites have revolutionized the ways of communication and we are heading towards a digital revolution. But t what I experienced till date is that, these social networking websites are very greedy and are always in search of ways to earn more and more money. They earn by stealing our data.


From ordering food, requesting a taxi and checking our bank accounts, to meeting new people and selling our unwanted items, more of our lives are spent online. And whilst these digital services have given us more convenience and a better customer experience, we are giving our personal data to an unlimited number of people and companies.

And we’ve lost track of the details we’ve given – after giving them to so many different people and companies, it’s hard to remember who we gave our details to, what information we gave or when we gave them. A terrifying thought when news of data breaches hit the headlines almost everyday. In fact, in 2016 alone a record 421 billion data records were stolen. If that’s not scary enough, 35 data records are lost or stolen every second and over 3 million data records are lost or stolen every day.

But what makes our personal information so attractive and valuable to cybercriminals? If it falls into the wrong hands, somebody could have enough information to steal your identity; using this to apply for credit, pretend to be you on your social media accounts, and even file for bankruptcy under your name. The internet, specifically the dark web, is full of passwords, personal details, credit card numbers and even health records all for sale. A recent investigation also uncovered British passports, driving licenses, utility bills and even GCSE certifications – with some passports selling for as little as £800. What price would you put on your identity?

It comes as no surprise then that more people worry about the threat of cybercrime than physical crime. A recent Sophos survey revealed that 63% of people worry about financial loss due to a computer breach and 61% worry about hackers taking over their computer and sending spam and malware to their contacts. In contrast, 46% feel worried about their car being stolen or broken into or physical assault, and 52% worry about their home being burgled.

Despite this, it’s likely that we’ve become immune to news of data breaches and cybercrimes; they hit the headlines so frequently, we’ve accepted them as the new normal, with as many as 32% of people ignoring data breach notices. We simply wonder which company will be under the spotlight next, rather than worry about our own personal data being exposed. But how likely is it that your data will be compromised?

Unfortunately the number of identity theft victims continues to rise, with identity theft counting for 64% of all data breaches in the first half of 2016. Recent figures from Kaspersky Lab reveal that 52% of internet users who have lost money to cybercriminals fail to recover the money they’ve lost. And it’s not just the individual who suffers. Cybercrime costs British businesses £34 billion a year and UK fraud hit a record £1.1billion in 2016 for the first time since 2011. Chances are the true figures are even higher.

There are some key reasons why instances of identity theft continue to rise. Increased social media use means people are sharing personal information, such as their name, photos, date of birth and even their phone number on their networks. If they have their profiles set to public then anyone can read, and steal, their personal details. Secondly, consumers give their details to multiple companies, having to trust that these details will be kept safe and secure. But hackers continue to be one step ahead and outsmart companies.

But we have a blockchain based social networking platform which is different from all other corporations.

Just imagine how good it would have been if we can find a place on internet where you can connect with everyone safely and securely.

To achieve this target and to give respect to your privacy sphere is built on the fundamentals of privacy and security. Sphere is not just a communication or social networking site, it has a broader vision,
Something bigger than just a social network.
It has got social activity tokens or simply SATs as its cryptocurrency. The currency will be used for e-commerce within the network and to reach more and more people, therefore targeting a larger audience. Sphere has come up with the strategy and decided to change the market need after all these years. There must be new way to connect with all the potential costumers. I think they have a right answer to this question. As When we put forward our product in the market, we usually ask ourselves, how can we contribute to society with our product or service. That is the place where marketing takes its place, but here comes the problem, all of the methods are simply too old and we cannot reach enough number of people with it. We are just wasting all of our money for nothing.
Here lies the problem with aggressive advertisement, which lead people to simply ignore these tactics.

What is the motive of Sphere ?


My belief is sphere will disrupt $500 billion social networking industry and will surely kick them out of market.

The main problem which is growing bigger and bigger with all the social networking websites is their centralized nature.

Companies continously advertise their products with the help of third parties, and targeted consumers does not care about all of these multiple paid ads.
Here both the consumers and the product owners are in loss and the profit is gained by none other than these advertising agencies, so we can say that we people are used by these networking companies as their products to earn money.

To combat with such problems sphere has come up with a wonderful idea of targeting your business directly to the consumers. It has the system where both the parties i,e the customer and the companies could get benefit from it. For the first time customers will get their privacy back, we will be able to sell our data without any threat for better advertisement targeting.
Companies may not need to spend that much amount of money which they are spending on advertisements to the existing social media companies. Moreover, the mobile application for both Android and IOS mobile phones is already out in the market which makes this platform user friendly and trustworthy. We are using a decentralized social networking platform (Steemit) from the last two years but it has not made the mobile application yet
for the users. So you can just imagine how good the team of developers is for sphere, they are simply taking extra care of the desires of customers.

If you haven't experienced the taste, I mean if you haven't downloaded the mobile app just click on the below links to experience how user friendly the app is.

Sphere android mobile app

Sphere IOS mobile app

After downloading if you find any difficulty, which the tutorial below to ease down your difficulties.

Keeping in view the needs of companies and the customers sphere has inbuilt marketplace where companies and the users both have prevailage of advertising and selling their products using SATs. If a user wants to sell his product online he just has to upload the product on his profile and set a price tag for the same. The product will only be visible to your friends and followers, if you want to increase the reach of your product to target consumers you have to pay SATs for that. The interested people just need to click on the buy option and pay the amount of SATs for purchase. The requisite number of SATs will be deducted from the customer account and credited to your account withn no time and the transaction will be marked as complete.
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Sphere cryptocurrency will be listed over some key exchanges and. SAT tokens are also ERC20 compliant and you can store your SATs in MyEtherWallet, MetaMask, Mist or Parity. Currently 1 SAT = $0.14 USD.

Before the start of ICO the price for 100 SAT tokens was 5 USD.
I have done a bit of research on this cryptocurrency and I got some positives in my research and I strongly believe that SAT value will increase a lot in near future. Owing to its immense potential it won't be wrong to say that this is the best cryptocurrency to invest in.

Sphere is in its ICO stage currently and it is of four rounds, out of the 4 slated rounds, two have ended and now we're in the last two rounds. Currently, you will be getting these coins at a low price(1 SAT = $0.14 USD) added with a bonus. There are 650 million tokens up for grabs when the ICO started and the tokens that won't be sold during the ICO will be destroyed. This will certainly result in an increase in the value of SATs. So this is the ideal time to invest in SATs.

To be the part of token sale, just click here
Sphere is running a bounty program under which the interested people can benefit from. You just need to promote the word to people around the globe on different platforms and for that sphere will reward you with SATs based on the content and quality of your promotion. Moreover, you can also earn SATs by making use of the referral program of sphere. For each referral, sphere will reward you and also the one who signs up sphere using your referral link, with 20 SATs each.
Please click here to join from my referral link.

Recently sphere initiated the affiliate program, It's a program where a user will benefit from another user, you referred, when he/she purchases some SATs during crowdsale. You can earn 20% commission because of that. Spread the word and get rewarded immensely.
Click here to know more about this amazing program.

Sphere has also got positive response from various ICO reviewing websites .

  • All the images whose source isn't mentioned have been taken from Pixabay.com where you get free images without any copyright.


As I mentioned at the start of my blog that I don't have much knowledge about cryptocurrencies and i am not a financial advisor or an expert on financial matters and i am not telling you where to invest your money, it's just my personal opinion and what I think.

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