SPHERE = blockchain based social networking platform.


Is it possible for the modern youth to exist without the social networking sites?
How much necessary these are for modern youth?

what is the real meaning of a social network?

Let me first answer these basic questions.

The term social network was introduced by James Barnes, a sociologist from Manchester school.

Wikipedia defines a social network as :

A social network is a platform, an online service or a website designed to build, reflect, and organize social relationships.

Presently we see the boom of social networks developing very fast as the demands and requests of users are growing. To survive in the market these social networks need to come up with new innovations, decentralization, convenience and functionality - this is the need of hour and future.

In last few years, hundreds of social networking platforms have been launched and we have seen only a few of these making success in the market, and the biggest giant of these social networking websites is none other than Facebook.

The revenue is increasing year by year, let me provide you the statistics of revenues generated by Facebook from year 2007 to year 2017


Now you might be thinking where from this revenue is generated when you don't pay a penny to these websites directly. If you are not aware of the fact where from these social networking giants like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc earn huge amounts of money I will tell you about all this how they earn.

Most of the revenue is generated via advertising, because of the lack of privacy these companies have access to your data they use your data and even sell it to the highest bidders to earn huge amounts of money without even intimating you. Other revenue generating factors are online marketing and online promotion of events. During U. S election in year 2016 online advertising played a major role.

Now you know how these social networking giants earn huge amounts of money by using you and your data as their products, don't you think that you should be entitled to a certain amount of revenue which they earn from you?

Yes you do, but you haven't got that right yet from these platforms.

If you can't get the results for your work and if you don't feel safe there, go for the existing alternatives.

Blockchain application in social media.


First blocchain based social networking platform is none other than the platform where I am currently writing my blog,Steemit. Steemit came into existence in March 2016 since then it has changed the mindset of a number of people to use decentralized social networks rather than centralized ones. Not going that far just check my steemit wallet and see what achievements I have made after joining blocchain based social networking.

There is yet another amazing product built by a highly experienced team of experts which is completely decentralized in nature, Sphere is one of the latest editions of social media platforms. This is not just a social networking or communication platform, it aims to serve its users in a transparent and secure way to build trust in sphere system. As I discussed earlier, sphere is built on blockchain technology which saves your data within sphere and is decentralized.

Benefits of decentralization are vast. It reduces the risk of attack and the data tampering that occurs at the time of system breach. I guess the adoption of this amazing platform will lead us to the peak of social media experience.

The main goal of sphere is to give the power back to its users and let them make most of their data. Contrary to the current system where there is involvement of underhand methods such as fine print for your data collection.

Sphere is going to give its users the authority of giving their data to the advertising companies which are interested in it. It will come up with incentivized way of encouraging sphere users to submit their data to the interested companies. Here your data is secure and will only be released to the cited parties.

Here the data submission of sphere users will be almost cent percent accurate as the data is submitted willingly. It is also providing an advertising solution to other companies, and for them it may not be necessary to be the part of sphere. Here the add conversion rates are projected to be high because of the high transparency under the influence of blockchain technology, data can't be manipulated easily and hence the buyers will receive the data in raw form.
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Sphere has its own aptly named social tokens SATs as its cryptocurrency which can be used for different purposes within the social networking system. Tokens will be rewarded to the users in sphere who influence to join the sphere network.

Sphere also provides an option of e-commerce within the platform. Users can sell their products to others here easily, just by uploading their products on their profiles and mark a price tag for the product. Interested users just have to pay the seller in the form of SATs just by clicking on the product price and sending the seller the requisite amount of SATs, deduction and additions will happen in no time and the transaction will be marked as completed. SAT tokens can also be used as means of raising funds for the realization of sphere dream.If you want to support sphere you can participate in the ongoing ICO which started on 12th of February and its 2 rounds have been completed and whole ICO is going to end on 9th April 2018. It is the best time to buy SATs as a bonus is being given on every purchase currently, moreover, keeping in view the potential of the product, tokens are provided in low rates as it is believed that the value of SATs is going to increase.

You can be the part of this ICO and if you are interested visit this link to know more about sphere and ICO details.

Moreover, if you don't have money to buy SATs, sphere has solutions for that also. You can earn tokens by promoting sphere to your friends from your referral links and both of you will get 20 SATs each.If you want to join sphere from my referral link please click here

Sphere is also running a bounty program where from you can also earn from your contributions. Want to know more about sphere bounty program please visit here

Oh I was just checking sphere website and they have added one more feature here, where from you can earn tokens, if you haven't seen that one please click here to know more.

For more details don't forget to read Sphere white paper

That is all for now, do visit my next blog for more.........

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