3 Reasons why BlockChain is here and will be here for a while...

Hello Steemit Community,

In this VLOG I go into 3 reasons why the blockchain technology will be here for a LONG time:

1.) It feels natural to send money from one person to the other. YES-there is a learning curve. YES you have to do your research but this goes the same with ANYthing in life. You want to open a bank account? okay how does that work, how do I deposit money into? Oh you want to start an insurance policy? Okay you will have to research it. Everything in life requires research and a learning curve. No one person has ALL the answers.

2.) The trust factor that it will create in industries. For example, its all numbers and numbers do not lie. Block chains cannot be tampered with making it a HUGE benefit for MAJOR industries in the world. It's going to save so much work time in people's lives.

3.) Its somewhere in here:


Everyone on this site is in a great situation BECAUSE you are head of the curve. Trust me, more and more people will be arriving to this because it allows people a way to earn. PEOPLE all over this world are in NEED of opportunity that provides steady cash flow and STEEMIT provides that.

What are your thoughts? How powerful OR weak is the blockchain technology? Is this the new wave of the internet??



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