The Declaration of Currency Independence - Team McAfee

The Declaration of Currency Independence - Team McAfee

Some of you may or may not be aware that today Mr. McAfee and a coordinated group have released a declaration highlighting that traditional fiat systems of value transfer have been rendered 'obsolete'.

You can see the Tweet here:

Or view the below image:


I hereby declare myself one of the first signatures on this declaration and my intent to support this movement through written content and any other resource at my disposal.

This movement has been a long time in the making and is designed to unite the crypto community against the ongoing suppression of not only price, but the value of work and ideology.

Please take the time to read the declatation here:

The declaration is currently available to be read in thirteen languages and Mr. McAfee has highlighted his intent to widen the translation in an attempt to unite the crypto community across all nations.

Mr. McAfee has also indicated that he will be covering the cost of the transaction fee for all individuals who sign the declaration:


Within a matter of hours the declaration has already amassed 302 signatures (all signed on the blockchain) at the time of press.

You can see the transactions here:

Since the declaration tackles some difficult concepts, an accompanying analysis of the document is also available:

The movement will aim to combat the distorted narrative being purveyed and educate the masses to the power of the blockchain (irrespective of personal agenda towards specific projects) through measured content. The team responsible for this is Team #Xenophon.

I hereby declare myself an official member of team Xenophon and will share all content through not only official Xenophon content avenues, but my own Steemit account here.

If you, like the majority of the crypto community, wish to support this movement, please sign the official declaration on the blockchain using the link below:

#TeamMcAfee #TeamXenophon #currencyindependence

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