⭐️ EXCALIBUR OS - World's First OS with Mining Management system⭐️

Today it is very hard to imagine a world without gadgets, laptops, computers and other accessories that make life easier for people. The operation of these electronic devices is carried out not only thanks to the processor, battery, display, RAM and internal memory, various chipsets, but also thanks to special software. The most popular operating systems today are Windows, Android, IOS, Apple Macintosh and Linux. Operating systems provide the ability to work with files, applications, documents and provide a unique environment and interface.

Now there are many operating systems and so everyone can choose the most convenient option for themselves. But despite the wide selection of all popular operating systems have many disadvantages. These disadvantages include: vulnerability to viruses and hacker attacks, pirated copies, transfer of user data to third parties and companies. People have to spend time and money searching for and buying various antivirus software to protect their data.

To solve all the above problems, experts have created a new generation operating system EXCALIBUR OS.

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EXCALIBUR OS is a unique operating system that includes high security, the ability to customize the system for themselves, the ability to work with applications for any operating system. The developers intend to provide maximum performance and create conditions for the production of intelligent digital money. Users of the operating system will be quickly and efficiently notified of updates and improvements to the system.

The new operating system has many advantages over existing systems. These include: reduced power consumption, compatibility with any known devices, minimum operating system load time, simple and convenient interface, high-quality network connection, high response speed, and others. It is also important to note that the new operating system will not be a mess, which is created by a large number of unnecessary functions and applications. Developers have analyzed a lot of programs and left only the most necessary programs that people use every day. The system will have both regular programs and programs for business. Selecting only the most essential applications simplifies the system, makes it fast and reduces power consumption and CPU load.

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The operating system provides the ability to run other operating systems without installing additional SOFTWARE. Programmers will be able to test their applications in different operating systems directly from the main screen of Excalibur OS. Also in the new OS will be an Update tools application that will download and install the latest drivers for applications. In addition, the new operating system will have a remote control function that allows you to control the account from anywhere in the world.

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The operating system will use XOS tokens. Token sale will take place from January 22 to March 8, 2019. A total of 1.8 billion coins will be sold at a price of 0.01 dollars. At the beginning of sales will operate a bonus of 30%.

I believe that the new innovative operating system, which will be easy to use, will have a high level of security and will be free from the shortcomings of the existing OS will be able to attract a large audience. High performance, low system requirements and opportunities that will be provided for both ordinary people and programmers and miners will be able to increase interest in the project.

More information you can find on these links:

WEBSITE: https://excaliburos.com
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/excaliburos
WHITEPAPER: http://excaliburos.com/whitepaper/Excalibur-OS-whitepaperv1.1.pdf
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5032767
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ExcaliburOS/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/OsExcalibur
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/ExcaliburOS
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@officialexcaliburos

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