Autonio Governance Part — I

Autonio Foundation made a commitment to decentralizing governance by deploying the 10 crowdocratic principles of governance of the crowd, by The Crowd, for the crowd.

Presenting the first two of those principles:


1-No Central Control

The very first rule of a decentralized universe is that nothing is centrally controlled.

If an ecosystem utilizes and manages a pool of decentralized assets and resources for its operations and evolution, should the powers to control those assets and resources be vested in those who develop and operate the system?

The developers and administrators are only facilitating and not owning the system per se. Their only role should be to provide a robust platform that empowers the members to operate away from the central control.

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2-No Dictats

Do not dictate but delegate rule-making to the collective.

While it’s the developers and administrators that deliver the products and services, it is rarely observed that investors and ecosystem participants have any exercisable power in this crucial area. They have no choice but to “trust” the core team and the quality of their services or products. There’s hardly any justification for dictating or taking away the right of the collective to set up their own rules.

“Decentralization is the process of redistributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or things away from a central location or authority.”


The implementation of the first 2 crowdocractic principles through Autonio Ecosystem Portal by:

  1. Distribution of control over otherwise centrally managed assets held by Autonio Foundation.
  2. Distribution and distinction of roles, responsibilities and functions of individuals or organizations working for Autonio Foundation.
  3. A portal to contribute to the process of decision making, submit proposals, apply for jobs, participate in bounties or grants, submit request, suggest policies, undertake votes and so on.
  4. Distribution of power through voting.

This article was originally published on Medium

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