V3 Wallet?

Hello! I was recently looking at my balances for my bitcoin on the Blockchain wallet application for iOS.

I got this HTML error: IMG_0102.PNG

To which I then selected on "Ok".
Now, usually I just use my Touch ID to log in not the PIN number, but after that error popped up, the wallet refreshed and made me put in my pin manually.

I though that was odd, but I went along with it, because I didn't really think it was a bad thing, only a simple glitch.

Then, this little notification popped up:

I'm not sure what a v3 Wallet is, im assuming it ****may**** be an update to support Bitcoin Cash, however; I looked it up online and all I got was Github and nothing related to a V3 Wallet on Blockchain.info.

The weird part is this: It does this every few logins. Could my wallet application be infected? I'm on iOS 10.3.3 and have the latest iOS version of blockchain wallet.

Please do provide any input that you may have on this, I really hope this is something to support Bitcoin Cash!

Thank you,
Pfiffel (Niko)

Edit: Yes, I'm aware of the phone call being almost 40 minutes, it turned out to be 51 minutes.

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