
In times of despair, humanity has always found safety in knowing that there were others out there who seemed to wield special powers that could help thwart evil-doers. In any society, there are other humans who will test the limits of those around them and take advantage for their own gain. This isn’t anything new in human existence, it’s a primal survival instinct.

Past generations had to fear the physical threats of authoritarian and/or imperialistic regimes. Today we are moving rapidly to a knowledge based economy that harnesses the mind as it’s number one gunner. This will help the common folks equalize the playing field to mitigate societal oppression by becoming smarter than those grey-haired fossils who currently control the corporate and financial sectors.

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With blockchain being let out of Pandora’s box, this technology is literally leaving the wanker politicians scratching their heads, trying to figure out a way to mitigate the freedom potential that this tech provides. Is blockchain just the beginning of a global revolution?

Since the dawn of man, humans that have found themselves wielding great power have always had a penchant for abusing it and subjugating others for their own self gain. Over the centuries, the “noble” man has evolved to minimize the obviousness of such things. They began to use tactics, like religion or propaganda, to convince subjects of their divine rights and authority to rule. The easiest way that this has been achieved is through the limitation of education and the misrepresentation of reality.

With the birth of the internet, came a lot of change for the common subjects of the world. Now, with a wealth of information and data at our finger tips, we can challenge what we are being told by ruling parties. This gives us the capability to make more informed decisions and take control of our own futures.

Just as similar as the invention of the printing press, the internet and now the blockchain, are proving to be just as monumental in the ways we are changing and improving the human experience. But who are those mysterious humans behind backlit screens that have created these life changing networks?

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I am so excited about blockchain for many reasons, and one of those reasons are the developers themselves. Why? Because I will always love a good “David v Goliath” story and the folks on the frontlines of this fight seem to yearn for making something more than just making tons of money.

Steemit is a testament to that statement. Every day, I see the hard working Devs trying to keep the ship running. These fine people, do make coin for their efforts, but how many of us are willing to give up a lot of our own personal free time and social life to put out virtual fires and keep the blockchain going? -

For many years, I have wondered how the common people of this world could overcome the oppression by the corporations and ruling governments. Preferably without having to wage a war. Then, in one of the darkest times in modern financial history, the gift of blockchain was given to the world by a superhero(s) called Satoshi.

There is a long road ahead for this tech, but the possible benefits seem to be just what our society needs. Increased transparency in government and business, limiting the ability of entities to commit fraud, providing the ability to cast fair votes, remitting money around the world more affordably and giving millions access to financial systems they don’t get with central banks, are just a few things to mention.


Blockchain also allows small countries more autonomy from the U.S. by allowing them to create a currency that doesn’t have to use the USD as reserve. This is the singular most reason the US officials will try to regulate the hell out of blockchain.
You see, there is a virtual battlefield in the war on freedom, and the IT nerds have picked up the sword in our defense. In less than 10 years, they have created an international currency that isn’t operated by central banks and is independent of tyrannical regimes.

There are more interesting ideas popping up every day, each with their own purpose. Bitcoin and Ethereum are just a couple of the first ones to begin to gain mass attraction, globally. It is truly an exciting time to witness these happenings. I’m truly excited for the future of humanity.



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Now the guy's got Paulie as a partner. Any problems, he goes to Paulie. Trouble with the bill? He can go to Paulie. Trouble with the cops, deliveries, Tommy, he can call Paulie. But now the guy's gotta come up with Paulie's money every week, no matter what. Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, you had a fire? Fuck you, pay me. Place got hit by lightning, huh? Fuck you, pay me." - Henry Hill in Goodfellas

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