How will blockchain change Corporate Giving?

There are many ways cryptocurrencies and new applications on the blockchain can improve the way we do things today for good.

I am passionate about the power of people coming together to solve social challenges. With over 10 years of experience working in social projects in Brazil, I have learned a lot about corporate giving and how centralized these corporate foundations are.

Today I want to ask you: HOW DO YOU THINK BLOCKCHAIN WILL CHANGE CORPORATE GIVING (a $1Bi market today in Brazil)?

My guess? Today's's decisions on budget spending related to impact investing & philanthropy are centralized on the high management of corporations. That means the stakeholders that are closest to the organization - shareholders, board members and a few employees - are the ones that participate on the decision making process to decide where, how much and when to invest in a social project. The external stakeholders, when involved, are involved only in consultative or informal forums.

The creation of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, such as WINGS () that proposes a way for everyone part of that network vote and uses swarm intelligence to make decentralized decisions on projects validation, shows us the possibilities of applying blockchain and cryptocurrencies to corporate giving.

This can dramastically improve the chances of a decision being right and the dollars spent on a social issue to create the best positive impact on the communities.

I am excited to learn how do you think DAO, blockchain, smart contracts and cryptocurrencies can improve on philanthropy, so please comment bellow.

Ps: If you are interested on solving the problem of how to corporates spend their resources today towards social causes, follow me and add me on linkedin and let's create this change together

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