The Blockchain And Africa: The Need For Collaboration


We are all pretty aware of how the world works right now when it comes to making progress and achieving new heights

The spirit of competition is expressly engraved across all walks of Life ranging from Biology to Politics. Everything involves War, a survival of the fittest, in which the stronger and the bigger party wins

Businesses and Nations succeed only by defeating, and destroying others. And we have seen recent examples of this in recent years with Facebook and North Korea

We are also seeing a change from this mentality in recent years as more and more things are being achieved by collaboration instead of competition

It all goes back to the time of our fore fathers. Then the way people surrvived was going out to hunt for food and they aimed to get enough food daily to feed their family.

So this means a form of competition ensued, everyone went out to hunt the available game in the forest, and came back home with it. So this means that anyone who did not see a game to kill, will see their Family starve that day

However as time went on they saw the need to band together to kill huge animals like Buffalos and Elephants, this ensured enough food supply for the whole tribe and no one starved

The Blockchain has provided us a new vehicle in shaping how things really work. When it comes to value and wealth creation. Open source projects like Utopian and Github has provided projects world wide with a lot of Information that has gone a long way in determining how things work


Cooperation is a strange concept most times but it is something that has great power. it reminds me of a wise saying that I love so much

One of Us Can Never be Smarter than All of Us

When it comes to the Blockchain in Africa there are a lot of things that can be achieved by coperation. I believe that we have the skills and Manpower to get things done

Progress can be only achieved when we treat the Blockchain like a Network instead of the traditional form of Marketplaces which we are all familiar with. Instead of staying on our own blocks and try to get all the best things for ourselves, progress will be made if we collaborate and make Blockchain development in Africa open source

I will use what is currently going on in the Tech Industry to illustrate what I mean by Open Source development. Fierce competitors in different fields like IBM, HP and Toyota had to open source their software and also train people to help develop their software even though that they were aware that the people they were training will also end up developing the software of their competitors

These companies did this because they knew that the need for progress and development surpassed the need to be number one. Other softwares like Linux and Mozilla are all examples of open source software that illustrates the beauty of collaboration

Wikipedia have used thousands of volunteers to create a huge online encyclopedia with over a million articles in over 200 different languages

Collaboration is the best path to toe when it comes to the Blockchain in Africa. That will serve as a huge catalyst in alliveating the problems that has plauged the continent.


This can only be achieved by the creation of networks that will help the presence of the Blockchain in Africa achieve significant Impact

The Blockchain has totally remodeled the way we create wealth and value. Power have been put back in the hands of people. It is left to us who got into this early to lean back and help others up from their the pit of ignorance and poverty

The Blockchain has not come to make us Rich, it has come to help totally reorder the way things work, and in other for that to work we need to collaborate. Blockchain companies will need to stand together in the move for change

A Business that makes only Money is a Poor Business

There is a need for us to effect change and that can only be achieved by coming together. This can only be achieved by effort as collaboration cannot automatically happen

This post is a part of ideas and theories I am exploring when it comes to cementing Blockchain presence in Africa, if you have any Ideas or strategy that you think will be helpful try and reach me lets discuss it. Looking forward to hear from you

Thanks For Reading

Image Source : Pexels

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