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People who have been following me for a while have been noticing that I share information about the FoodCoin Ecosystem. I do this not only because I find the project extremely interesting, but also because I have been working in the food industry for several of years - mainly within the fish Industry.

I have experience from being a fisherman as well as I have been working on fish farms, and not least - but surely the most interesting one, I worked for a team that developed the first automatic lobster farm in the world. The time I worked there I was an assistant who mantled the prototype, and I was amazed by doing this job as we had to invent the system on how to produce it in big scale.

Bear in mind that the Lobster is an extremely challenging specie to farm since it is a cannibal. This basically means that every lobster must have its own cage, because if you let 2 of them together - one will be killed and eaten by the other. They are very aggressive towards any creature they meet in nature, and will try to attack you - even if you are bigger than them. What I recognized when I was farming 400 of this guys was that they wanted to attack me too - however, after a week feeding them they became very friendly towards me and even ended up being friendlier than a dog - amazing or what?

I mantled the prototype to produce them in big scale, and to be honest - I must admit that the scientists I worked for at that time were genius. They had solved a task that no one before them had done, all credit to them for that - but when they arrived on the research center where I worked, the locals wasnt too convinced that they would manage to solve this problem. They laughed of the young men and said, just do whatever you want to but do not expect any help from us since people have tried the same thing for 40 years without succeeding.

However, when this scientists had worked 8000 hours on the task - solving one challenge after another they finally came up with the conclusion, which I mantled - and to be honest, I was amazed and still is today how some few brains can solve big tasks if they work together over a period of time without using knowledge which is already written down. It might be a bit misleading saying that, because - most of the information we have around us already, but if you take this knowledge and use it in a different way, you will end up with a different result or what?

Lobster is a very interesting specie in many ways, and I could probably talk for ages about this amazing creature - but I will just short it down telling you that it is not called the Cardinal of the sea for nothing. Long story short, the local newspaper popped up one day since they had heard rumours about what was going on in the laboratory - and guess what, less than a week later I was all over the headlines holding a lobster in my hands after speaking with the journalist and showing her what we were doing.

The most interesting part is that the locals, who had laughed of the scientists when they arrived on this island - all over sudden changed their attitude towards them and the community offered them a plot for free where they could build their fabric. So, the human nature isnt too different from the lobsters - is it, except that we are not cannibals?

When someone are thinking new, or are having ambitions about something - are we helpful from day one and let them in to our territory with their thoughts and ideas? I hope you are - because if so, you will succeed.

However, I am looking at the people behind The FoodCoin Ecosystem as pioneers when it comes to distributing food with the help of the blockchain technology - and I am sure that if they just keep on moving forward they will revolutionize the entire food market. To be honest with you, it will be in the interest of the end consumer - who is you. Trust me, because I know how food come in to existance - and the way things are right now is not very healthy or sustainable.

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