How Block Chain Has Revolutionised The Digital Era - From Pay to Play to Play to Earn - NFT’s - Start Your Journey And Become a Part of This Revolution.

Nothing in this world is free.

But Google is free and YouTube is free and a lot of other platforms. You might say.

But everything costs attention.

And because you use these free digital platforms, all these companies trade off your attention or means to get it to businesses who want to sell their products to you.

In fact things like blogging and YouTubing has become more than a bread earner. They have produced countless multimillionaires in the past decade.

If you can gather a crowd anywhere, you can make money.

How blockchain has disrupted this digital industry?

By decentralization - This term is probably the heart and soul of this technological turnaround. Which means that anything built on blockchain is owned and controlled by all the users collectively and not by a single entity.

Decentralization created the possibility of ownership economy.

In an ownership economy, users become owners by consuming a product/service or by putting their assets into their system.

This platform (PEAKD) and the whole hive ecosystem is a perfect example of ownership economy. Where users can not only earn by creating content but also by mere interacting with it - like upvoting or commenting.

More and and more use cases of blockchain are being explored and more unique apps and concepts are hitting the crypto space.

The concept of NFT's has already changed the world of games forever.

From pay to play to play to earn

If you're into digital games, you must've spent money at some point to grab the piece of entertainment and thrill of video games.

All traditional digital games have assets that are owned by the gaming companies.

Usually online games have in game currency that these companies sell you for real money. You can use those gems/gold/rubies/diamonds to gain competitive advantage and progress quickly.

I have seen millions of dollars poured into some complex strategy MMO's.

What if tell you that you can now earn money for playing games instead of paying it. Not by live streaming - that also still remains to be a way - but by just playing the game and progressing everyday.

And all this has been possible because of the invention of blockchain and then introduction of smart contracts and Decentralized-apps(Dapps) and then NFT's.

NFT’s - In Easy Layman Terms

NFT’s stand for Non Fungible Tokens.

This term is composed of two words ‘Non Fungible’ and ‘Tokens’.

Taking the latter first ‘Token’ in the context of blockchain and crypto means ‘a piece of information’.

And ‘Non Fungible’ means something that is unique and widely different from others.

Bitcoin is fungible. As one bitcoin can always be traded for another bitcoin. That is if you give someone your bitcoin and he transfers you his. You both would still be having exact same thing.

But if you trade one NFT with other. You might have something completely different and unrelated.

Also, for example USD is fungible. You can trade a note of $10 for 2 notes of $5. Whereas painting of ‘Mona Lissa’ is non fungible. It has unique properties and undefined value. Its value is derived by its rarity and interest of people

Things to remember
A crypto token or any other digital token is not a graphic. Bitcoin doesn’t looks like the image you see on the internet. It doesn’t have a shape or colour. A crypto token is a ‘piece of information’ or ‘unit of data’ on a digital ledger called blockchain. NFT is a new variant of token that can represent a unique digital item.

NFT’s are stamped with a digital code, which remain as a permanent proof of their authenticity and is saved on a blockchain.

So, NFT's cant be deleted or faked. And because they present on a blockchain. They can always be traced back to its creator or seller.

NFT’s have changed the gaming industry in a sense that people can now own and verify their ownership of digital assets present in a game running on blockchain. It can be a ‘digital land’, a Pokemon or Captain America, Apollo spaceship, some future cars, sci fi tech or digital anything.

There are multiple nft markets already up and running selling game based nfts and also custom made by artists. And Millions of nfts are already in circulation.

Gaming projects are selling nfts in pre sales, through give ways and rewarding nft's to those who play and progress in the game.

If you think this is the end. Let me tell you that there are multiple metaverses already in development with full support of AR/VR. Meaning you would be able to experience being in a digital world, travel in it, may be roam around or visit a museum with your friend’s game avatar.

Experts claim that gaming is the first real use case of blockchain tech.

More on it later. If you would like to read about metaverses, what they're all about and what the future entails for gamers. Tell me in the comments below. I will come up with post specifically about it.

Start your journey of making money on the chain

Though a lot of blockchain projects are up and running and gaining momentum. The tech is still new, and most users can be termed as early adopters.

The industry is still in early stages of active development and something new is being released or improved continuously.

Its the high time to jump the bandwagon and be a part of communities whose projects have solid fundamentals and scope of mass adoption.

It is a battle of pick and choose. And that's why I am here to help.

You'll find here the latest reviews and guides about various interact to earn projects that have a potential to grow big. The projects I am investing my time/money into and I believe will be successful in future.

Disclaimer - You can start being a part of most projects with $0 - yes free of cost. But since most things in the world are not free, you will need to put in efforts and time and have some patience to make this journey worthwhile. A lot of projects, though free to start, do require a little initial investment like $10. And obviously, the more you'll put in, bigger will be the snowball effect. Money attracts more money.

So I will be actively reviewing here Dapps and Games - already in operation or active development. And creating guides about how to start, strategize, earn and grow.

A blockchain Dapp has the potential be a full time job, and maybe more than that. The days of traditional gaming and social media will come to an end. And the revolution has already started.

Upvote if you enjoyed this post. And do not forget to comment below and tell me what all projects you are investing in with either your time or money?

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