HTC Plans Blockchain Based Smartphone! This Is Just The Beginning!

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Thanks to @steempapa who mention yesterday that HTC is planning to bring out a blockchain based smartphone I needed to do some research. Thanks for the mention @steempapa

Observing the Blochain technology how companies are trying to disrupt existing markets like the Blockchain STEEM is doing with Steemit in the area of social media, my thoughts were already how this technology will find its ways into the tool we use today the most; Smartphones.

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HTC is the first big brand trying to create blockchain based phone called HTC Exodus. It's not the first one in general but the first from a big brand. I guess they chose the name because of the biblical meaning. The Israeli people were kept for many many years in captive by the former world power Egypt.

Which could stand for the current centralised system, where our data don't really belong to us instead we are making the people on the top even richer by giving our data to them by using their products.

Moses who was called from God had the order to lead the people out of Egypt into a land where milk and honey flows, the decentralised system. This story is written in 2.Book of Mose called Exodus which could be translated​: Going out of somewhere into something new and better.

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OK, enough bible study lets go back to topic.😁
HTC sees the Exodus as a handset that will let owners keep their data -- and blockchain currencies -- private and secure on the device rather than in the cloud, where your sensitive information may be easier to extract and tamper with.

The Exodus phone will support decentralized applications, called DApps, run on Android software and have a universal wallet for storing your digital currencies. HTC says every phone will serve as its own blockchain node, part of the network that helps make blockchain systems secure.

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When the Blockchain technology will be revolutionising, of course, one of the biggest markets have to be affected. This will bring new opportunities for new players.

For example; HTC will run on an Android software; maybe we will see a new major in term of a blockchain based OS.
For sure we'll see new App stores coming and and and.

Take a look at steemit.png

Look how much tools and applications are already built on this blockchain. This is crazy!

I am really excited what the future will hold for us.
And we are already a part of it.

It's just the beginning guys!

What do you think about it?
Wish you all a nice weekend.

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