Network Basics. Part 5. Multi-PoS consensus


The solution to the blockchain trilemma, which we discussed a few days ago, directly depends on the type of consensus. It is responsible namely for maintaining the integrity and safety of the distributed network as well as for ensuring compliance with protocol rules, in other words, it guarantees the security, decentralization, and scalability of the system.
As you know, several types of consensus algorithms are common in blockchain projects, PoW and PoS are especially popular. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages that appear when network creators trying to combine reliability with functionality and speed.
To write our own algorithm for a unique consensus model, the creators of the #MetaHash project identified two key factors: the high speed of consensus building and ensuring increased network and user protection from corruption. At that time, the fastest consensus model of DPoS, tested by many popular blockchain platforms, formed the basis of the new algorithm. It has been called the “consensus model of multiple proof-of-stake” or Multi-PoS. This innovative method of verification and rights management is critical to maintaining the integrity and security of our network. It provides control over the state of distributed nodes reaching consensus about which way of further development is valid.
In this model, a multilevel-check provides network protection from corruption. In cases of damage or non-response of the nodes generating the blocks, the rest of the network can vote for the restoration and redistribution of roles, thereby neutralizing the threat. In addition, the Cores creating the blocks are non-static: they are changed depending on the parameters of the dynamic network, and they are not granted final verification rights. The Multi-PoS algorithm allows you to run validation and transaction blocking processes while reducing consensus time. In other words, unlike other models of consensus, where nodes alternately confirm transactions and the longest block is accepted as correct, voting and block formation in #MetaHash is performed by all network nodes simultaneously. This significantly reduces the time required to finalize the transaction.
You can find more information on the technical documentation (Yellow Paper, pages 17–18) or on the official #MetaHash website ( and, of course, feel free to ask questions in our Telegram chat!

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