Figuring out Blockchain Apps: Alexandria Library (think YouTube but blockchain)

All of my life people have called me a visionary because I seem to know things about what is coming when it comes to technology. I'm not bragging but I'm also pretty happy about it for the most part. In the past, I did think of it as a curse because I saw all of these amazing things coming like the Internet and virtual reality but thought I wouldn't live long enough to see it happen.

So, when I saw the web in the first web browser back in 1991 I decided to ditch print design and do web design. It was an instant decision. When I saw that web page with no graphics and only one font I somehow knew what it would become. It felt like love at first sight. I had people asking me why a graphic designer would want to program for the web. At the time, not knowing I had this gift, I thought it was a strange question to ask simply because I thought it was obvious.

Then, in 2012 I saw the Oculus Rift on I couldn't believe it. I pushed and now in 2016 my company has a virtual reality exhibit that is a replica of our building and will allow people to download the app and see our library archive equipment.

Now, I'm seeing a new trend that is exactly like the start of VR and the Internet and it's bitcoin blockchain based applications that I think work like BitTorrent but different.

I imagine library’s using this to avoid DRM and maintain control of assets. See also:

The creator shares how it works and his understanding of the near future and generational change that is coming based on this P2P tech. Think bittorrent plus bitcoin (not a good description because this tech is neither, really.

They use Florincoin to store all of the data. Content can never be deleted but can be hidden or delisted to the viewer. So, a permanent record always exists of every transaction. In this case a transaction meaning adding audio files or video files.
If YouTube doesn’t move to this tech someone else will replace even them as a mass video distribution company.

This could revolutionize public librarys that use this technology. This could possibly destroy YouTube's monopoly on video.

If you're interested in wanting an application based on this tech or want to speak to someone that can actually program this I would talk to: developers. I'm not that knowledable yet and I'm sure other developers are out there but these people are the only ones I've found at this time.

Thanks for reading.

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