REMME- No more passwords

No more passwords — no more break-ins. REMME implements unbreakable, foolproof user authentication to protect your users, employees, and company’s data from cyber attacks.
No chance for human error Most security breaches happen because of some sort of human weakness. A password may be too easy to guess; people leave their browsers open on public computers, write passwords down on paper or in a file on their computers, or simply get tricked into giving away their login data. The REMME technology makes passwords obsolete, thus eliminating the human factor from the authentication process.
Everything is safe now Security has never been so simple. Whether you are a start-up or a large company, REMME has what it takes to prevent breaches and keep your data safe.
The goal of the REMME high-end secure system is to build a distributed Public Key Infrastructure (“PKI”) that will help infrastructure companies, IoT, MedTech, financial and blockchain companies address the problem of security failings:

  • Cryptocurrency exchange
    Hack of an exchange can cost hundreds of millions dollars and become the reason for the bankruptcy of service. It only takes simple phishing, like it was with Bitfinex with $70 million losses. Transactions in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are irreversible once done - you can’t roll them back. There is no higher authority that could do that, like in credit card transactions where you can report a fraudulent charge and the credit card company removes it from your account. So security becomes number one priority in the everyday workflow of an exchange. But it is hard to provide good security when users choose simple passwords and 2FA is only used by a few percents of users, making phishing a common tactic used by hackers to steal funds.
  • Critical infrastructure
    A successful cyber attack on a nuclear power station is not a minor nuisance of interrupting power for a few hours costing millions of dollars but could create a new Chernobyl. And it’s not just a hypothetical scenario anymore, as we in Ukraine found out when hackers switched off our electricity in the middle of the winter. The Problem Critical infrastructure is normally based on reliable, age-tested and proven systems. As these were initially developed in pre-internet times and were designed to run in closed environments, securing against hacking attacks was not a priority. To improve capabilities and decrease cost, critical infrastructure is getting more and more interconnected and internet-connected, but securing it is proving difficult - making it an ideal sandbox for hackers to play with.
  • IoT/automotive (Internet of Things)
    You would not want your car hacked, especially while driving it. Unfortunately, right now, any connected car can be hacked. This is a huge problem for the future development of transportation - self-piloted cars and smart cities with common networks that involve various IoT devices need a secure and protected infrastructure or they will become a playground for criminals and terrorists to perform attacks and cause chaos. The Problem Current log in/password architecture is not suitable for device-to-device communications, which forces automotive companies to resort to simple IDs or other primitive technologies for identification. This approach leaves the car wide open to hackers, as demonstrated by Wired two years ago and again recently. This lack of secure identification also limits the adoption of advanced functionality like car owner’s identification, automated online payments for charging, granting rights for driving in car sharing, adjusting maxim
  • Medcare/Medtech
    Health and medical records are one of the most sensitive data we have. The thought of anybody unauthorized having access to it is simply unthinkable. On the other hand, we want to have access to this data online but are afraid to take this step due to security considerations. The Problem Existing secure authentication solutions have a high per-user cost (think secure hardware tokens for banking or enterprise IT) and are therefore not appropriate for a system that - potentially - has every citizen for a user.


You worked so hard on building your business It’s time to protect it.
We never really think about how many sensitive, valuable things in our life are guarded by password-protected accounts. From items as simple as our emails to the highly personal such as medical records and bank accounts. Yet the truth is, passwords just don’t cut it anymore. Password managers and unencrypted websites can be hacked, password confirmation tools are available everywhere and allow to find reused passwords for any website. Stealing data from a user has become easier than ever.
The goal of the REMME high-end secure system is to help organizations like infrastructure companies, IoT, MedTech, financial and blockchain companies protect sensitive data. It is a distributed Public Key Infrastructure (“PKI”) management technology built on top of the X.509 certificate standard that uses SSL/TLS to protect the entire channel from an attack. REM token is needed for all internal operations inside of ecosystem, so it is obviously utility token. The Proof-of-Service consensus is used for the mix of high throughput, scalability, and security. The two-factor authentication is an additional layer of security ensuring that only the owner of the account can access it, even if the private SSL/TLS certificate key has been compromised. The choice of technology for the second factor depends on the characteristics of the system, which is protected by REMME technology. During the development of the REMME system, a number of standard and well-known components that are time-tested and proven effective by numerous audits were used. REMME will use the blockchain technology as a vehicle of transportation and a source of consensus to offer a solution to this problem: decentralization.

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