A Peer-to-Peer Binary Options Platform

Betex is out to convey an obvious transparency to the financial derivatives showcases and also making fresh out of the plastic new instruments that would at long last put a conclusion to out of date shady plans. With Betex, traders will put down wagers against each other and never against stage suppliers or some other middle people. Worked with Blockchain innovation, not at all like conventional stages, Betex will give access to continuous information, along these lines, guaranteeing supreme transparency of its framework. So there is most likely that all clients are dealt with similarly and reasonably. Clients will frame one substantial regular pool of liquidity for each fundamental resource keeping in mind the end goal to augment clients' pick up. The stage's bonus will be 5% just, the liquidity will be gotten from a typical pool of merchants, and representatives themselves will incorporate into the stage through the white mark component. This is the main stage, where as much as 95% of assets are disseminated among traders who make rectify presumptions.

The world market of binary options is in any event $30 billion every year, with nearly $5 billion yearly in Japan alone. Correct estimation of this figure isn't anything but difficult to get since in many nations there is no dependable information on the binary options advertise turnover due to its extraordinary shadiness and untruthfulness and in addition the absence of clearing from the mind-boggling number of dealers. In any case, nowadays, binary options are never again well known. Rather than building a client driven, dependable framework for individuals to appreciate and advantage from, binary options have been frequently used to trick traders.

The cooperation procedure is as per the following:

A trader chooses one of the trading sets (Assets), at that point chooses one of the six trading interims (Time), at that point settles on the sum to wager (Amount), and, at long last, picks a heading, in which the cost will move, as he would see it (Call or Put ). When the result is known, tokens of those traders, who happen to be mixed up, are circulated among traders, whose presumptions happen to be exact. However, initial, an expense of 5% of the aggregate sum of wagers set is being charged for our administrations.

Betex Token

BETEX is the primary token in the framework. half of the stage's bonus salary is conveyed among BETEX token holders in ETH. BETEX is issued once in the measure of 10,000,000 tokens. From that point forward, its amount stays consistent. Two pre-deal rounds of BETEX token deal under the SAFT (Simple Agreement for Future Tokens) are effectively finished. The benefit got between the dispatch of the stage and the real conveyance of BETEX tokens, will be collected on general society Ethereum address and will be dispersed among BETEX token holders amid 2 weeks or less, after the dissemination occasion is finished. Circulation of BETEX tokens is wanted to happen in April of 2018.
The Betex stage procures on commissions from every exchange (wager). The commission is 5% of the measure of every exchange (wager). The conveyance of the aggregate sum of exchange (wager) reserves, including the commission salary, is displayed underneath.

▸ 95% of the turnover will frame the reward subsidize for traders. These assets will be paid out to traders naturally, once each round is finished.

▸ 2.5% of the aggregate stage turnover will be appropriated among the holders of BETEX tokens, as indicated by the quantity of tokens they possess.

▸ 2.0% will be allowed to the merchants, associated with our stage. Installments for the referrals will be deducted from agent's bonus.

▸ 0.3% will go to the perpetual commitments to the venture's improvement support. A year after the business dispatch, the task should make back the initial investment.

▸ 0.2% of the stage's turnover will be exchanged to the save subsidize. Its customary refill (from every exchange) will take care of unforeseen expenses, on the off chance that they emerge.


The best way to put down a wager into the pool when the nearby exchange has just been sent is to set a bigger gas cost for the wager exchange than the nearby exchange. Similarly, you can pound the tx pool of the Ethereum connect with exchanges with a huge gas cost, without giving the chance to affirm the exchange

close. When all is said in done, this sort of client conduct is conceivable, yet it is exorbitant and tedious. To shield Betex framework from such assaults, we have actualized two standards:

▸ The time interims decided for sitting tight for pools are adequately substantial;

▸ Gas cost of the nearby exchange is controlled by add up to wager sum in a pool.

Points of interest of the betex stage

▸ Transparency

Blockchain innovation gives open access to data constantly, subsequently, guaranteeing completely straightforward process, exact information, reasonable and meet terms.

▸ Provable reasonableness

Since we are not wagering, there is no explanation behind us to control comes about. Whatever is the result of your wager, we benefit from gathering administration charges.

▸ Common pool of liquidity

The objective is to merge most extreme liquidity from the subsidiary markets through shaping one normal pool of liquidity for each trading resource, rather than making various little ones.

▸ White name for specialists

This framework permits fast association of the specialists who add to keeping up high liquidity and guarantee the expansion in the turnover of the stage in a brief timeframe and at low expenses.

▸ No stores

Stage clients get moment access to the majority of its capacities and highlights without making any sort of stores first.

▸ Instant payouts

Installments are consequently discharged by savvy contracts straight to your ETH wallet, guaranteeing prompt withdrawals without postponements or cancelations.

▸ Referral program

The stages offers a solitary level referral program. The reward measure is picked by the representative and typically squares with 0.5%. In this manner, client can get up to 0.5% from the turnover of the individual alluded by him.

▸ Self-financed display

0.5% from the general turnover is utilized for the stage's help and its advancement.

▸ Scalability

Betex stage is planned such that, when the heap expands, it doesn't influence the execution of the stage. This is accomplished by the right association of the brilliant contracts, interior design and equipment stage.

Favorable circumstances of Betex System

For traders (Bettors)

Traders can win by utilizing the stage for its planned reason on the off chance that they accurately demonstrate a short-or medium-term slant in the value change of the chose essential resource (trading pair). Not at all like most unified frameworks, the span of a trader's profit if there should arise an occurrence of a right estimate relies upon the condition of the general liquidity pool (rates of different traders) and can go from a few percent to a few many circumstances. The span of the win is constrained just by the volume of the general pool of rates and the proportion of the quantity of wagers to each of the outcomes.Also, one of the conceivable options for influencing benefit for traders to can be utilizing the stage alongside exchange tasks with the essential resource on one of the trades. For this situation, the wagers on the stage can support the dangers of their trading activities on the trades. An extra wellspring of wage for a trader, if wanted, can turn into a referral program, which is more often than not up to 0.5% of the wagering measure of the alluded client. The choice on the referral reward is made by the representative.

For merchants

Merchants associated with the BETEX stage get a commission of 2% of the aggregate sum of their clients' wagers. In this way, dealers are specifically keen on expanding their turnover, as the representative profit rely upon it. The bigger the turnover, the more income an intermediary gets

For financial specialists

The pay of the BETEX token holder can comprise of the two parts: Permanent programmed commission installments in the measure of 2.5% of the aggregate volume on the stage. Each BETEX token holder naturally gets an offer of this commission proportionate to the offer of tokens he holds in the total number of BETEX tokens.

Token Details
Betex token sale
Start of main token sale:01.03.18 at 16:00 GMT
End of main token sale: 15.04.18 at 12:00 GMT or 3,000,000 of BETEX tokens are sold out
Main BETEX token sale price: $3.00
Max amount of tokens to be sold: 3,000,000 out of 10,000,000 (30%)
Main BETEX token sale hard cap: $9,000,000
Min purchase amount: 0.5ETH

For more information, visit the links below:

Website : https://betexlab.com/

Whitepaper : https://betexlab.com/betex-wp.pdf

Twitter : https://twitter.com/betex_tokens

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Betex-Lab-108138139938618/

Telegram : https://t.me/betex_ico

Authored by Lelvin: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1275173

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