Digipharm - Healthcare Beyond Barriers

Hi steemers,

you all know that I like "kind" projects :) so today I'm bringing you one more blockchain project that awaken my curiosity because it finally jumps in the sea of similar projects and ICOs (we can all agree on that) nterest because it spins in the sea of similar projects. And its name is DIGIPHARM, check their website.

Digipharm is a project that tries to bring value based pricing in healthcare with help of blockhain technology.. to be more specific they want to utilize smart contracts to implement flexible pricing in healthcare. Even esteemed business consultants Deloitte predicted that in healthcare until 2020 75% of prices will be value based.

Envisioned schema of susitainable Digipharms system looks like this:

The whole concept is based on three main guidelines:
Value based care - which focuses on switching from "fee for service" to "fee for performance" model..or in other words you pay for what you get.

Inovatiove pricing - would incentivise innovation and encourage the transition to patient centric healthcare.

Pioneering Evidence Generation - Circumventing the use of static or retrospective data will open the horizon to superior forecasting, confidence in decision making and global oversight.

Surely I will be writing about Digipharm in the following days but in the meantime check theit whitepaper and get to know them.

I will support them and I'm convinced that many of you will also, after all we all need healthcare in some point in time!!!

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