I am no longer an ONO Super Partner, some final thoughts


For anyone who is following the ONO project, the Super Partner structure has been officially dissolved today, December 4th by NOME tech. Though I can't say this is much of a surprise, I wasn't sure when to expect it. I guess today was the day.

It was quite unceremonious and without a word from Ke. Again, not surprising as communication has been pretty dismal for many months. There was a text file posted in both Wechat and Telegram letting us know, here it is in full for those who haven't read it yet:


ONO Super Partners should be: loyal, kind, self-directed, modest, have a long-term vision and firm belief, 51 people who serve all humanity.

The first ONO trial Super Partner operation was born on April 13, 2018. Its words and deeds should strictly abide by the "Common Program" and resign in October of the same year under the ONO white paper.

This year's Super Partners made outstanding contributions to ONO's early ecology:

  1. Established ONO's early ecological community, spread ONO's core values to reach more people, and help solve the obstacles users encountered in the process of using ONO. They have made a significant contribution to the ONO ecological prosperity.

  2. Provided traffic support for the early user adoption of ONO social network, achieving ONO dApp's outstanding performance of 3.258 million registered users in 100 days.

At the same time, during the trial period, some members have committed acts that do not align with the spirit of ONO:

  1. The official ONO's Facebook account is moderated by small number Super Partner members, and they have refused to give access to the account to ONO Founding Team.

The ONO social platform accounts are an essential distribution channel for ONO official information, and its management rights should belong to the ONO Founding Team. Due to early work coordination, some International Super Partners have received the right to manage the ONO Facebook account. During the work, the password has been changed, and repeated request for the access by the ONO Founding Team has been ignored. The false information delivered through the official channels has been contributing to false news distributed to the users worldwide. In this regard, the ONO Founding Team will create a new official Facebook account in the near future, Stay tuned. Beware of being misled by unofficial information.

  1. Some of Chinese Super Partners, in collaboration with an unknown exchange, organise a listing of ONOT. ONO officials warned that listing is not to be trusted and requested a delisting.

The exchange has stopped operating presently, but it is suspected of running, which is causing tremendous confusion in the community of users of ONOT. Even though the ONO Founding Team repeatedly issued a formal statement recommending that ONO users should not blindly purchase false ONOTs on the exchange, it is still impossible to prevent some retail investors from being persuaded by the exchange.

According to those mentioned above and the first six-month trial period of the first Super Partner trial announced by ONO, the ONO Founding Team is officially announcing that ONO's first trial Super Partner operation will be retiring.

Regarding the general election and ONO DAC operating rules, the ONO Founding Team will be amending the constitution, so stay tuned.


December 4, 2018

I won't go into detail about the Facebook or exchange issues as I had no part in either of those. I will instead leave you with a few thoughts about my personal experience.

When I was accepted as a Super Partner I had read the white paper a few times and I had a pretty clear vision about what I thought a Super Partner could accomplish. One of the most exciting aspects of ONO for me was the referendum and user influence.

The second was having a decentralized group monitoring and folding abusive content. I was thrilled that we would have the opportunity to start things off on the right foot by keeping plagiarism, scams and bots to a minimum. Theoretically this would lead to a more healthy ecosystem and a better overall experience for everyone. Unfortunately as you all know, getting things folded became very difficult and our desired tools were never delivered. I would be lying if I said I am not disappointed that I never had a chance to fold some of these repeat offenders! We have a spreadsheet full of abusive users and bot accounts that has been collecting dust.

That being said, it is still entirely possible to turn things around and move in a more healthy direction. At this point we just have to wait and see what structure is implemented to replace the Super Partner system.

I'm also excited to see the day that ONO runs on chain and is truly a decentralized platform that gives power to users. Having been in this DAC and working with the other SPs has been a truly exciting experience and I am grateful for that despite the frustrations.

Personally I will continue posting on ONO as I think it's a great looking app that has promise but I hope for ONO's sake that they increase the level of communication and perhaps invest in a professional translator for media communications. I would like to see this succeed on an International level but as it stands I am finding much of the pertinent info in Chinese and translating. Most people won't be willing to do this.

I have much more to say but I am still processing things. I will perhaps write a more in depth post in the future but I will leave it here for now.

Here's to the end of an interesting experiment, and perhaps the beginning of another ;)

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