Blockchain Life

Swings, Slides, Round-About Blockchain Growth Together

Krypt0n1a Together We Grow Blockchain

Content overload everyday, are you growing? Partaking in various places becomes a Daily Plan of Execution, do you share great content when you see it, you already halfway there move fresh articles to your readers on a variety of platforms.

Kryptonia offers you a way to pay others to share your work, have you ever considered most tasks take you into Steemit, when in Steemit it is easy enough to share great content further to Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, LinkedIn at the push of a button? (Share Buttons end of each article).

Should you already be connected on Social Media Platforms, pop in their username with via, example for Twitter Handle @SydesJokes @FitinfunSharon @ReonLouw @KRYPT0N1A you will be surprised, many appreciate the little extra milage, it grows your community a lot quicker.

Small acts of kindness do go a long way, for instance when setting up content a deciding factor should always be, what am I offering/giving to my readers or followers, definitely not how many upvotes I will obtain, nor what is in this for me. Old hand bloggers know marketing changed from Push marketing to Pull marketing a few years ago.

Push Marketing

In your face, up your nose, irritating you beyond measure, it was old school in print, it has moved on with technology change. Days when your mailbox was filled to the brim with unwanted advertising, on pages of magazines

Pull Marketing

Teach by showing, entertaining, funny, informative will move into a much stronger position on blockchain. Apps are available to stop advertising reaching you, blocking unwanted sales calls, how times have changed. Our work needs to entertain to attract like bees to a hive or montization will be lost or left on the table.

Many bloggers are offering valuable content giving a lot of advice, helping many grow, thank you, this is benefiting Steemit authors and readers, life is about giving no matter how little we gain for ourselves.

Making a little extra is never to be frowned up, we all come here with a dream in mind, most on blockchain technology love the concept, live the idea by being involved, to keep payouts viable, a system working efficiently from Whales to Minnows we all need to consider where we are going with technology on the blockchain.

Kryptonia Tasks On Blockchain

Krypt0n1a Together We Grow Blockchain

Discord - Superior Coin Contest

Read Selection Today:

#steembasicincome being run by @socialmediaseo a great place to support into the community

Steemit has a lot happening, learn something new every day, find the areas you enjoy working into, create awesome content, keep sharing content and comments, everyone is helping grow blockchain using a variety of systems, cryptocurrencies sharing about what they are experiencing.

Where have I been, what happened over the last week (well almost)! No internet connection has kept me from posting, when I have a trickle, I support and try greet as many bloggers in the gaps afforded. Posting halts when lines are running at snails pace. Many suffer the same problems so no complaint's, it's Friday and I am connected!

Reminder - Places I find useful and fun to know where you coming from and where you are going

Some of the abovementioned sites will help you track before payouts commence from Steemit Tasks completed in Kryptonia (14 days given), each offers a unique insight. Please support creators if indicated Witness Support appreciated.

Clickable link below to join KRYPT0N1A (This link will take you away from - Use back click to come back once finished, or Right click to open into new window.)


Communities I Support: #qurator #steemitbloggers #teamsouthafrica #steemitbuilders

Steemit Bloggers

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