Hard blow to Bitcoin and People

The bitcoin during these last months has been the economic salvation for many homes in Venezuela, because although they are not counted by the high costs with mega computers to be able to mine and help the cryptocurrency market you can obtain resources through different criptomonedas less quoted and of great influence that help enormously to the pocket of the Venezuelan.

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@steemit has served to meet people, stories, improve writing, learn recipes and as an instrument to have an additional income in the midst of a catastrophic and drowning economy as it is currently in my country that I can proudly call my dear and loved Venezuela.

The latest events where the big bankers and businessmen fearful of Bitcoin's exponential growth and the influence it was presenting in the market being totally free without anyone's control, decide to place restrictions and walls to avoid the exchange of this digital currency around the world , which has generated an extreme fall of the currency going from having reached 18,000USD to 6,000USD where currently 07-02-2018 had a rise remaining at 8,345.97USD (https://www.coingecko.com/es/tabla_de_precios/ bitcoin / usd) with a growth of 16.153% but that still has not been stable for a week, also knowing that Facebook announced the prohibition of ads on bitcoin on their platforms remains an environment of uncertainty that will happen with bitcoin and the other cryptocurrencies.

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The wolves of the economic market of China and the United Kingdom meet tirelessly thinking how to seize the domain of bitcoin or how to destroy it since its legs shake every time the bitcoin continues to grow and will continue to grow despite the restrictions placed because there will be no banker or entrepreneur that can prevent the credibility of bitcoin from being free from being affected. Although it is rumored that a possible favorable regulation in the US (http://www.expansion.com/mercados/divisas/2018/02/07/5a7aebb022601dd93d8b4598.html) has helped the rise of bitcoin from yesterday to today but still continues in uncertainty since many want to take advantage of this market that has incalculable potential.

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These changes and the fall of bitcoin have caused the fall of the SBD in the last week, affecting the additional income of the common Venezuelan who helps himself enormously to be able to feed himself and have a "tranquility" so to speak as he makes his quality publications. So do not despair and have hope because cryptocurrencies are not an easy market to maintain but the confidence of the people gives them their stability and despite the fact that the sharks of the economic market want to tear down the power that bitcoin has. they will be able to achieve it without having a fight and I am sure that they will not be able to conquer the management and control of the currency that is what they want because it will remain free and of power for the rest of the world allowing the other cryptocurrencies to rise again helping millions of people to have a better future.


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