IAGON is a platform for harnessing the storage capacities and processing power of multiple computer.


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What is IAGON?

IAGON is a platform for harnessing the storage capacities and processing power of multiple computers over a decentralized Blockchain grid. IAGON utilizes enables to store big data files and repositories, as well as smaller scales of files, and to carry out complex computational processes, such as those needed for artificial intelligence and machine learning operations, within a fully secure and encrypted platform that integrates blockchain, cryptographic and AI technologies in a user-friendly way.


IAGONis a company legally registered in Hamar, Norway and will provide its services globally.


IAGON uses the world’s leading technology for developing and establishing two online grids to connect users
that demand storage capacities for Big Data and large processing capabilities for Artificial Intelligence
computations. The allocation of storage space and computational tasks to miners who contribute unused storage and processing capacities will be conducted via a series of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. The processing tasks will be largely distributed to miners on the processing grid according to the characteristics of each task and its creator (the user). The results will be stored and managed on the Blockchain and will bevisible only to the user that initiated it. OBJECTIVES
IAGON aims at revolutionizing the cloud industry by providing a fully secure and decentralized cloud storage and processing platform based on the Blockchain and Tangle technologies.

  • User Market - IAGON’s main share of the user market consists of corporates, public institutes and SMEs that require large secure storage and processing capacities (including cloud services, database storage, historical data archiving, data analytics, batch processing, etc.).
  • Miner Market - The major part of the miner market consists of data centers that do not fully utilize their storage and server capacities and can dedicate portions of them to IAGON’s grids.

IAGON aims at supporting the growing demand for cloud computing due to the emergence of Big Data storage and Artificial Intelligence processing by developing and providing decentralized cloud computing based on the Blockchain.

Business Development Plan: https://www.iagon.com/pdf/Iagon%20BusinessPlan%20v3.6.pdf

The size of the cloud services market providing both storage capacities and computational processing capabilities to companies and to corporates is estimated by 45 billion USD per annum and it steadily grows. The market is dominated by four major players: AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft and IBM, all utilize central and less trusted storage and computation facilities . Due to their oligopolistic dominance , the four providers of cloud services set high pricing levels. These providers are also capable of hampering any competition and preventing new market entrants from competing with them, due to the broad scale of their operations an their substantial investments in data centers, servers and storage facilities.

White Paper: https://www.iagon.com/pdf/Iagon%20Whitepaper%20v3.2.pdf

Why IAGON? The Global Supercomputer-

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As many may know, the demand for computational processing capabilities and storage is expected to dramatically increase in the near future due to the recent adoption of two major trends in the business and computing world: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Big Data is known as the collection, management and storage of vast amounts of information obtained from any internal or external source; and AI, as methods that “learn” from data on past operations, find patterns and business rules to predict future behaviors.
To give you a better idea, Iagon is a platform for harnessing the storage capacities and processing power of multiple computers over a decentralized Blockchain grid. Iagon utilizes enables to store big data files and repositories, as well as smaller scales of files, and to carry out complex computational processes, such as those needed for artificial intelligence and machine learning operations, within a fully secure and encrypted platform that integrates Blockchain, cryptographic and AI technologies in a user-friendly way.

Here are some key features of Iagon'splatform:

AI techniques for continuous analysis of the distributed computing performance parameters of miners and optimum resource allocation of peer-to-peer (P2P) Blockchain/DLT networks The platform is fully decentralized Iagon uses the Proof-of-Utilitarian Work (PoUW)
It can partner and complement other decentralized Internet infrastructure solutions, enabling a shared Internet economy It is technology-agnostic and can work with any underlying Blockchain/DLT platform All customer files are highly secured: Iagon provides a security layer because it identifies specific digital fingerprints associated with the request going through the server to identify if a request is an honest node.

In addition, the Blockchain is another undeniably ingenious invention, which created the backbone of a new type of Internet communication. In Iagon’s platform, it offers the following unique benefits:

  • Decentralization?—?There is no need for a trusted third party or intermediary to validate transactions, but rather a consensus mechanism is applied to agree on the validity of transactions.

  • Transparency and Trust?—?Blockchain is a shared ledger and everyone can see what is on the Blockchain

  • Immutability?—?Unauthorized changing of data is extremely difficult and virtually impossible

  • Highly Secure?—?All the transactions on the Blockchain are secure at the highest cryptographic level and provide complete data integrity

  • Simplification of current paradigms?—?The Blockchain serves as a single shared ledger among interested parties. It can simplify the data model and management by reducing the complexity of separate systems maintained by each entity

  • Cost Savings?—?As the Blockchain model does not require any third party or clearing houses, it can massively eliminate overhead costs in the form of fees paid to clearing houses or to trusted third parties
    The predictions here are clear. As the amount of data continues to grow, we will start noticing an increase in the demand for lower cost and reliable storage solutions. Companies will also find themselves in the need to analyze these amounts of data by applying advanced analytics and Artificial Intelligence techniques.

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Meet our team-



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Initial Adopters-

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