Why I Choose to Be Blockchain Agnostic.


Do You Believe 100% in One Blockchain? Free Your Mind Today!

Everyday across our majestic Crypto Universe I see tribes of Devs, Users and Investors claiming that their chosen Blockchain is the best. These tribes flex their prowess by demeaning and tearing down the other tribes Blockchain. I understand humans have a history of tribalism that reaches back to our humble beginnings. I also understand that this path also leads to destructive behavior.

I am so jaded by all of this talk!

No, I am not a developer. I am just a simple guy who loves the possibility of what Blockchain can do for humanity. Except for Ripple, I don't believe they should be included in our Crypto space.

  • I am no Bitcoin Maximalist.
  • I don't think Steem is the shiniest Blockchain in the space.
  • Ethereum is not the only path.
  • EOS is not the Blockchain savior.
  • I did not drink the Tron Kool-Aid.

"The Yellow Brick Road in Crypto Leads in Many Directions. Blockchain Adoption Will Come in Many Forms." - Randy Hilarski

So I implore you to keep an open mind and look at other possibilities. Just because you are a Developer on a specific project does not make you somehow superior to those who work on other projects. If you invest your hard earned money into a project and you are hoping for future riches it does not mean you have to attack others.

Being Crypto Agnostic Keeps Me Sane.

Making friends across the Crypto space allows me to see the scope of what we are doing. I have friends in many projects and whenever someone starts talking smack about other projects I try to shift the conversation.

I still have opinions and I will still express them if I am involved in a project. A few times I found myself pulled into internal strife within projects (Steem) and I quickly shifted my focus. Staying happy is the ultimate goal and arguing across the internet with people I will likely never meet is an exercise in futility.

"Can't We All Just Get Along" - Rodney King.


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