Verge Soars as Market Recovers

Going into the second day of actual market recovery, Verge, the anonymous and Most Secure Cryptocurrency available on the market, makes another run at its highly favored, but less effective rival cryptos; Ie: Monero, Dash, and Pivx. Everyone else has a following of uninformed, mindless drones, that tout the valueless attributes of their preferred cryptos, while they take pot shots at the only True anonymous and untraceable crypto: Verge. Well, Verge is making its move this year, and it is unnerving to some, but you either live and learn, or remain ignorant and die.
This is s Fucking Revolution, you Idiots, wake up and take notice. Everyone is Pissing their pants, waiting for the Big Bad Wolf to Jump in and Blow their house down!! Jesus Christ, You make me sick. Spineless, Useless, Bed Wetters. That’s Your Revolution for yah. A bunch of cry babies, pissing their pants, at the first sign of the enemy.
If you pissy pants, Fake revolutionaries want to have a fucking chance at life beyond socialism, you better wipe your asses, and start supporting the cause.
Do you even have a clue about what Crypto is, why it has come about, and why it needs to succeed, without the intervention of regulation, and centralization???? Probably Not!!! So Let me CLUE You in. To Preserve Your Freedom. Freedom from Oppression. Freedom from Enslavement, Freedom from Socialist/Communists, who Would Take All You Have, and give it away, or take it for themselves. Wake Up,Dumb Fucks. The Clock is Ticking, and the day draws Near.
Photo courtesy of CoinMarketCap.Com image

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