- The State of The Art Messenger, Crypto Wallet, And Web3 Browser

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Gone are the days when the only means of one to get into contact with another was through letter writing. I remember when the only way I was able to make friends outside my country was through writing letters to them through a system called Penpal. I would always visit the post office to get books that had many people all over the world addresses in them. I would then sit down and start making my choices of whom I wanted to be friends with.

But as days blurred into years, we witnessed the power of social media through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. These Social media platforms made making friends over the world an easy one with just a click. Messengers like Whatsapp, Telegram, and Wechat also boosted the activities of Social media. Social media then made the activities of one to shift away from private to public, yet we had no total control of the thing we do or owed until blockchain technology came into existence.

Blockchain technology gave us the power to have total control of everything we do. The advent of blockchain into social media and messengers gave birth to a platform known as


About is a decentralized messaging platform, with both windows and mobile interface that allows you to interact with other decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain. The brains behind this decentralized messaging platform are Carl Bennets and Jarrad Hope. It is their mission to create a secure communication tool that upholds the rights of users privacy and also preserves their culture. uses a whisper protocol for every message you send to another user, there are no servers processing or storing communication that happens between you and any user on the network. The Whisper relies on a system of peers to communicate with each other. You are to note that, every communication that happens between you and other users are broadcasted on the blockchain, but it only takes the very user you sent the message for, to open since each message you send it encrypted. has a wallet incorporated in it, the wallet allows you to manage, send, and receive both ERC20 and ERC721 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. Meaning on you do not only communicate to friends and other users on the platform but you also get to secure your ERC20 and ERC721 tokens as well.

Features Of

The following are some features on,

Compatible With both Desktop and Mobile is not only desktop friendly but extends its friendliness to mobiles as well. So whether you use desktop (Windows, Mac and Linux) or mobile device (Android and IOS), you can still run on it. Download status decentralized application on windows here, Mac here, and Linux here.

If you are a mobile phone user, download status Dapp on your Android device here or on your IOS device here

This feature is the first thing you see when you launch status decentralized application on either your mobile device or your system (laptop or computer), after successfully signup or sign-in into the Dapp. The chats feature on the Dapp allows you to invite friends from your emails, contacts or messengers installed on your phone or laptop. You are also allowed to start or join a group chat and scan QR codes as well. This helps you to bring all your friends and loved-ones together at a safe and secure place where you are in total control of the very things you do. No one can sell your personal information to others for their gains like what the centralized messaging platforms do.



Decentralized Applications (DApps)
This feature allows you to intact with other decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain. You get to interact with exchanges, marketplaces, games, social networks, among other platforms on the blockchain. brings the entire Ethereum blockchain (DApps) to your doorsteps.


This feature allows you to manage, send and receive Ether, SNT and ERC20 tokens from anyone across the globe. Any transaction you make or receive is been recorded too for future reference. This helps you to monitor every activity in your wallet. All your digital assets on Ethereum blockchain can be managed on


The profile feature allows you to share your profile with other users and gives you the total counts of friends and families you have as contacts. This feature also allows you to set how you want your experience with to be. It gives you a wide range of options like the ENS name you want to use, the main currency you want your assets to display, the management of your various notifications, how you want to use your mobile data, the back up recovery phrase to use in case something goes bad with your account, among others.

Getting Start With

  • Logon

  • Download status Dapp on your Android device here, your IOS device here
    , or on your windows here, Mac here, and Linux here

  • After installation, you launch the status Dapp

  • Click on create account button if you don’t have one already


  • Set your password and click next


  • Repeat your password and click next


  • Set your user name and click next. Note that you can change your username anytime you want in your profile.


  • You are now good to invite friends to chat as you want, manage your wallet and interact with decentralized applications on Ethereum blockchain



  • On there are no third parties in browsing Web3, end-user data, and browsing information. Every accessible data about you is done with your consent, meaning you control everything about you.

  • With there are maximum social, political, and economic freedoms. You take control of all your activities without being told what to do. You are your own boss with your account.

  • There is free flow of information on, nobody tracks the things you do. You are on your own with all you do.

  • provides developers extensions to integrate their decentralized application (DApp) functionality.

Conclusion is here and it is here to stay, join the decentralized messaging platform today and experience a never ending sense of being your own boss on your day to day activities. Manage your digital assets from hackers and frauds with let you juice these excitements by letting you interact with decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain.

All images used are screenshots from and my installed status dapp


Disclaimer: This is not a financial advice, nor a guarantee or promise in regards to any result that may be obtained from using the above content. The information provided here is for informational and entertainment purposes only. It should not be considered as financial and/or investment advice. No person should make any kind of financial decision without first consulting their own financial adviser and/or conducting their own research and due diligence.

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