Humanity is not forgotten

When you think about the scope of things in this world and how "humanity" is the preface of how we evolve in our environments, it's just a compilation of complexities.

What does that even mean? Well, fortunately, I have been able to travel and see the world from a different perspective. Most people are a product of their environment. Are we perfect human beings, no, of course not. I always say an action causes a reaction, that is the logistics of humanity.

What are the necessities of a human? The basics would be water, food, and shelter. Then you start to think about other things such as "hunting gear". What could "hunting gear" be, is defined by the environment in which that person's habit requires.

Perhaps, the blockchain technology is here to help us logistically evolve our ecosystems across the globe. Wealth re-distribution is after all one of the main issues within "humanity" and has been for some time now. As I continue to see the developments across the world, disasters man-made or natural disasters continue to be the reason we the pioneers of blockchain stand firm and "HODL".

Think about it, how do the "elite" vote? They vote with their assets of wealth distribution.

Nations across the globe continue to use blockchain technology to help them with their dire needs. From Africa, Venezuela, and other third world countries where the technology has been lacking and governments are not in the best interest of their citizens, blockchain technology has triumphed in "humanitarian aid". In fact, one of my main interests within the blockchain is the "humanitarian aid" variable. The United Nations has been able to leverage this technology to aid. There have been so many examples of how humanity has come together within the blockchain space.

Why does the inventor invent? Why does the entrepreneur innovate?
In any case, it is to better our living conditions. This is what blockchain technology has done for many.

Blockchain technology removes a huge margin of error from "humanity". It compels the notion of facts versus biased opinions. Such as, "Nature compels us to recognize the fact of mutual dependence, each life necessarily helping the other lives who are linked to it..."- Albert Schweitzer

Blockchain technology is simply an innovative tool to utilize within humanitarian logistics, supply chain management.

Humanity is not forgotten!

I leave you with this one last quote by Andrew Carnegie from "The Gospel of Wealth"
"The man who dies thus rich dies disgraced."

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